Close look on enzymatic debridement

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Debridement involves removal of dead tissue from the wound bed. When it comes to enzymatic debridement, it involves enzymes to promote the removal of the dead tissue. This type is more specific in targeting the dead tissue.

The removal of the debris from the wound bed is needed to promote the formation of healthy tissue and closure of the wound. Significant scarring, infection and prolonged wound healing can arise if corrupt tissue is left in the wound.

What are the types?

There are 3 types of enzymatic debridement ointments available.

  • Santyl – incudes collagenase units and specifically engineered from the by-product of the clostridium histolyticum bacteria.
  • Accuzyme and Panafil – include papain and taken from a natural substance specifically the carica papaya fruit.

What are the benefits?

The removal of the debris from the wound bed is needed to promote the formation of healthy tissue and closure of the wound.

It is important to note that the body will eventually “eat” the dead tissue present in a wound. On the other hand, with the help of enzymatic debridement, the enzymes can rapidly remove the dead tissue and in an effective manner especially for large-sized wounds or if the individual has a compromised immune system.

Important considerations

Enzymatic debridement ointments could not cure an infected wound. The ointments can be applied on an infected wound, but the individual should also use an antibiotic to manage the infection.

Always bear in mind that Santyl is not useful in cases involving a dry wound setting since it is started by a damp environment and must be utilized with a soggy secondary dressing as a cover. The secondary dressing that contain iodine and silver might deactivate Santyl.

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