Burns: Ideal types of dressings

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Burns vary in severity which is based on the area covered and how deep the skin is penetrated. There are also various causes such as friction, heat and chemicals. Due to the different types of burns present, various burn dressings are available which are intended to protect the damaged tissues, promote wound healing and lower the risk for infection.

Close look on the types of dressings for burns

Fabric and gauze dressing

The dressings made from fabric and gauze are vital in protecting almost every degree of burns. The gauze dressings are specifically designed to cover around an interior layer of moist dressing to secure it in place over the wound while still maintaining movement.

An Ace bandage is another form of elastic, fabric-based wrap that helps lessen the swelling in the affected site.

The gauze dressings are specifically designed to cover around an interior layer of moist dressing to secure it in place over the wound while still maintaining movement.

Adhesive dressing

Some dressings for burns are made to stick on the area under treatment. A slightly adhesive synthetic mesh that is coated with silicone can be taken off with ease from the site of the burn.

Most of these adhesive elastic dressings can be utilized to cover burns in the extremities including the legs, hands and arms. Take note that these dressings are often positioned over other layers.

Antimicrobial or antibacterial dressings

The dressings for burns that maintain a moist and bacteria-free environment are essential in the healing process. A silver absorbent dressing can be applied over the wound to draw fluid the drains from the site. Once this occurs, the dressing alters into a gel that shields the site from bacteria as it solidifies.

The antimicrobial dressings are usually made from soft silicon which release silver into the cut for up to 7 days. These dressings are covered with fabric, gauze or an adherent to secure them in place.

Emergency dressings

The emergency medical team utilizes certain forms of dressings that are specially designed as the initial line of treatment while being transported to a healthcare facility.

The water gel dressings are generally layered with gel and protects a wound by sealing it from bacteria and air until the wound is properly treated by the healthcare professionals.

Burn towels are used to cover the burn site for protection against any airborne pathogens. The burn sheets are draped over an individual who sustained serious burns which aims on preventing the loss of body heat.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on burn dressings is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn more about the different burn dressings, register for a first aid and CPR course with Red Deer First Aid.

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