An individual who experiences periods of intermittent dizziness can cause anxiety but most of the causes are not serious. The underlying conditions that cause dizziness tend to vary and can require medical tests to determine the origin of the symptoms. It is important to consult a doctor if the dizziness occurs after a head injury or accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, vomiting or loss of consciousness that persists for more than a few minutes. By enrolling in a first aid course, the appropriate measures can be carried out if an individual is experiencing dizziness.
A drop in the blood pressure
This type of intermittent dizziness typically occurs when the individual is getting up from a lying or sitting position. The exact cause of this symptom occurs more frequently among the elderly. The individual must rise at a slower pace to help reduce the feeling of dizziness due to the temporary drop in the blood pressure while sitting or standing up.
When there is loss of water in the body, it can progress to dehydration. A minor case of dehydration can trigger the feeling of dizziness. It is important to note that dehydration usually occurs during conditions that involves diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Engaging in vigorous exercise and overusing diuretics can also lead to dehydration, resulting to the intermittent dizziness. The temporary dizziness typically clears up once the fluid balance in the body returns to normal.
Interior problems with the ears
Many individuals suffer from occasional dizziness during a flu or cold. Take note that this type of dizziness occurs due to inner ear infection that is usually caused by a virus. Meniere’s disease is another type of inner ear condition that can also cause intermittent dizziness. The buildup of fluid in the inner ear can cause abrupt episodes of dizziness that can last from 30 minutes up to several hours. Medications can be given to help minimize these episodes.
There are some anxiety disorders such as panic attacks and phobias that can cause episodes of dizziness. Anxiety that is caused by health disorders can also lead to dizziness. A good example is when an individual worries about an episode of dizziness due to an inner ear issue. This will only cause additional dizziness due to the anxiety felt by the individual.
There are some medications that can cause intermittent dizziness. Even though each individual reacts in a different way to medications, those that cause dizziness include tranquilizers, antidepressants, high blood pressure drugs and sedatives. This is why it is important that you are familiar with the side effects of certain drugs.
Serious health issues
Even though not common, there are some serious health issues that can cause feelings of dizziness. Multiple sclerosis, strokes, bleeding in the bran and brain tumors can result to episodes of dizziness.