First aid kit for infants

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Millions of children all over the world are involved in various accidents at home. Most are only minor but it is vital to ensure that a first aid kit contains all the essential items.

The initial step is to select a durable, waterproof box that is portable or easy to carry. The box chosen must have a childproof lock and tall enough to accommodate lotion bottles. Make sure that the first aid kit is out of reach of children but readily accessible for adults.

Pain medications

Always make sure that an age-appropriate pain medication such as ibuprofen or paracetamol is on hand that can be used for fever and headaches. Do not forget to include a measuring spoon or a dosing syringe for younger children.


A first aid kit for infants must include the necessary materials in case dressings are required.

  • Adhesive tape is used to hold dressings in place and can also be applied to small-sized cuts
  • Sticking plasters should be available in various sizes for blisters, minor cuts and sore spots
  • Sterile gauze dressings are ideal for covering large sore areas and cuts
  • Bandages such as the crepe type are ideal for holding or supporting a dressing in place. The tubular types can be used if a child strained a joint and requires additional support. Triangular bandages are used in creating a sling.

Antihistamine cream

First aid kit for infants
An antiseptic spray or cream can be applied on grazes, cuts or minor burns after cleansing to help prevent the development of infection.

Make sure that an appropriate antihistamine cream is included in the first aid kit. This works by minimizing the swelling as well as soothe insect stings and bites.

Antiseptic spray or cream

An antiseptic spray or cream can be applied on grazes, cuts or minor burns after cleansing to help prevent the development of infection. Some that are available in the market might contain a mild local anesthetic to numb the pain.


A digital thermometer is easy to use, accurate and can be used under the armpit. All you have to do is hold the arm of the child against his/her body and leave the thermometer in place based on the time stated in the packaging.

Tympanic or ear thermometers are placed in the ear of the child. A reading is taken in just one second and does not disturb the child. The only drawback with this type of thermometer is its expensive price. Remember though that low readings can be given if not properly placed in the ear, thus it is important to read the instructions of the manufacturer.

The strip-type thermometers that are placed in the forehead of the child are not accurate in taking the temperature.

Calamine lotion

This is used to soothe irritated, itchy skin as well as sunburn and rashes. Today, there are mousses and gels available when dealing with chickenpox rashes.

Other infant essentials to include in the first aid kit

  • Tweezers to be used in removing splinters and thorns
  • Pair of scissors to cut clothes as well as tape and plasters
  • Saline solution and eye bath can be used to wash out foreign particles inside the eyes or wounds
  • Ice pack or gel packs must be stored in the freezer and applied on affected body parts to reduce the swelling.

Antiseptic wipes

Antiseptic wipes are useful in cleaning grazes and cuts as well as prevent infection. When using one, take one and clean the wound by steadily working away from the center to get rid of dirt, debris and germs.

Always ensure that the first aid kit is regularly checked. Any items that were used should be replaced and check the “use-by” dates of all the medications inside. Discard those that reach the “use-by” date.

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