Home management for foreign object in the eye

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Once you suspect that there is a foreign object in the eye, it is vital to perform immediate treatment in order to avoid infection and the possibility of impaired vision.

It is vital to take into consideration certain measures once an individual has any foreign object in the eye. The precautions to consider include the following:

  • Instruct the individual to avoid rubbing or placing pressure on the eye
  • Avoid using any tools or utensils on the eye surface
  • Do not remove contact lenses unless there is abrupt swelling or there is chemical injury

When caring for an individual with a foreign object in the eye, certain measures to carry out before providing home care include proper hand washing and inspecting the affected eye using a bright light. When searching for the foreign object, instruct the individual to look up while pulling the lower lid down then look down while flipping up the inside of the upper lid. If you want to be prepared to handle this injury, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

Foreign object in the eye
When caring for an individual with a foreign object in the eye, certain measures to carry out before providing home care include proper hand washing and inspecting the affected eye using a bright light.

Foreign object in the upper eyelid

The usual spot for a foreign object is beneath the upper eyelid. The measures when handling this issue includes the following:

  • Immerse the side of the face with the affected eye in a flat basin of water. While the eye is submerged, instruct the individual to open and close the eye several times to flush out the object. An alternative is to use an eye cup that you can purchase in any drugstore.
  • In case an object is stuck, you have to pull out the upper lid and stretch it over the lower lid to loosen up the object.

Foreign object in the lower eyelid

  • Initially, pull out the lower eyelid or press on the skin below the eyelid to check under it.
  • If the foreign object is visible, you can try to tap it with a moist cotton swab.
  • In case of a persistent object, you can flush it out under flowing water on the eyelid while keeping it open.
  • Use an eye cup to flush out the foreign object

Small fragments in the eye

In case there are several fragments such as sand in the eye, it is important to flush out the particles all together.

  • With a damp cloth, remove any particles from the area surrounding the eye.
  • Submerge the side of the face with the affected eye in a flat dish that contains water. While under water, instruct the individual to open and close the eye several times to flush out the particles.

For children, you have to pour a glass of warm water into the eye. All you have to do is to hold the child face up. Try to open up the eyelid while pouring water into the eye to rinse out the particles. This works best if another person pours the water while you are holding the eyelids of the child open.


Foreign objects can enter the eye accidentally during daily activities and can be difficulty to foresee and avoid. It is best to wear protective eye gear or safety glasses when involved in activities that might involve airborne particles.

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