How to care for eye injuries

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Various forms of eye injuries must be taken seriously. Immediate medical care for eye injuries can save the vision of the individual as well as prevent unwanted complications.

What are the common types of eye injuries?

Chemical burns

Since chemicals are common at home or in the workplace, one can end up being splashed in the eyes. It is vital to use safety glasses when handling toxic or abrasive chemicals and proper care must be taken when using household cleaners to avoid any injuries.

First aid for chemical burns

  • Instruct the individual to stay calm and keep his/her eyes open until they are flushed. Remember that closing the eyes will trap the chemical and cause further damage.
  • Flush out the eyes using water for 15-20 minutes. Just make sure that the eyes are open during flushing.
  • Seek immediate medical care by calling the local poison control center for further instructions.

Blows to the eye

Eye injuries
An abrupt strike from objects or another person can hit the eye or around the socket.

An abrupt strike from objects or another person can hit the eye or around the socket. As one of the common eye injuries, a minor blow can be managed at home but any injury should be carefully monitored for a more serious injury or possible infection.

First aid for blows to the eye

  • Carefully apply a cold compress over the eye for 5-10 minutes. Make sure the ice pack is wrapped using a clean towel or cloth.
  • Get in touch with a doctor.
  • After 24 hours, a warm compress can be used to help with the bruising.

Seek immediate medical care if symptoms such as persistent pain, drainage from the eye, visual changes or evident abnormalities or bleeding in the sclera occur.

Foreign objects in the eye

Since the eye often cleans itself with tearing, there is no treatment needed. If the individual is certain that the object or debris could not be removed by itself, you have to provide the necessary measures.

First aid for a foreign object in the eye

  • Instruct the individual to avoid rubbing the eyes
  • Instruct the individual to lift his/her upper eyelid up and out over the lower lid and have the individual roll the eyes around.
  • Flush the eyes using water liberally. Make sure that the eyes are open during flushing.
  • A follow-up check-up with a doctor is needed to ensure that all debris are eliminated and the eyes were not damaged or scratched.

Cuts or wounds in the eye

It is vital to seek immediate care for these eye injuries such as a cut or a puncture. Nevertheless, there are some basic first aid measures that will ensure safety and support for the injury.

First aid for cuts or wounds in the eye

  • Avoid washing the affected lid or eye.
  • In case there is an embedded object in the eye, do not attempt to remove since this will lead to further damage.
  • Protect the eye using an eye shield or the bottom half of a paper cup. Carefully tape it gently over the eye to secure on the face.

Once these measures are provided, it is vital to seek immediate medical care.

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