Indications of cherry allergy

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Food allergies affect both children and adults. Even though cherries are not included in the list of the top eight food allergens, they are still capable of trigger an allergic reaction in some highly sensitives individuals, especially those with pollen allergies. In most cases, the allergy symptoms can start out as a minor annoyance but becomes worse with repeated exposure to the allergen. Once you notice any signs of a potential cherry allergy, a doctor should be consulted for proper assessment of the condition.

Common signs and symptoms

Cherry allergy can trigger mild to severe symptoms. An actual allergy usually causes symptoms that involve the skin and GI tract. Once a highly sensitive individual consumes cherries, he/she might experience nausea, mouth tingling, vomiting, hives, itchiness, metallic taste in the mouth and nasal congestion. Take note that this could be the extent of the symptoms or might progress into severe symptoms which is a reaction called as anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening.

Whether the individual has an on hand injectable epinephrine or not, call for emergency assistance if any initial symptoms are present.

What is anaphylaxis?

A severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis involves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and can occur rapidly. Some of the symptoms include swelling of the tongue, lips and throat along with difficulty breathing, wheezing, rapid heart rate, fainting and loss of consciousness.

Always bear in mind that anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that can be deadly without prompt medical care. If the individual ate cherries and develops an anaphylactic reaction, an injectable epinephrine is administered. The doctor will prescribe an injectable epinephrine that the individual can use in case of future reactions. Whether the individual has an on hand injectable epinephrine or not, call for emergency assistance if any initial symptoms are present. Do not wait for the symptoms to worsen since it might progress to loss of consciousness.

What is oral allergy syndrome?

Cherry allergy might also indicate an allergy to birch pollen. The individual might have oral symptoms of this allergy after eating other fruits or vegetables that contain similar proteins to birch pollen. In most cases, the symptoms of oral allergy syndrome include itching of the mouth and throat as well as tingling sensations. Take note that the swelling can also disrupt normal breathing in severe cases and must be managed as anaphylaxis.

Allergy testing

One way to test for cherry allergy while under the supervision of a doctor is to eliminate cherries from the diet to check if the symptoms vanish. In case the individual has no severe reactions to cherries, the doctor might recommend eating cherries again to check if they trigger similar reactions.

In case the individual has serious or severe reactions to cherries in the past, the doctor might recommend skin or blood testing to confirm a diagnosis of the allergy. If you suspect that an individual has cherry allergy, do not attempt to elicit a reaction alone since this can be dangerous.

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