Indications of potassium food allergy

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Food allergies are described as sensitivity to certain foods or substances that are present in food. Always bear in mind that potassium bisulfide and potassium metabisulfite are commonly used food additives in which some individuals are allergic to. Consumption of food that includes these compounds can instigate undesirable or even severe side effects.

In most cases, the symptoms develop within minutes to an hour after consumption. Even though the allergy symptoms tend to vary from one individual to another, there are some symptoms that can occur more frequently than others. If the individual is aware that he/she is allergic to these substances, the ideal treatment is prevention. It is vital to avoid the ingestion of foods or beverages that contain these compounds. With this in mind, the individual should carefully read the food labels and should not be afraid to ask how a particular food was prepared when eating outside especially in restaurants or fast food chains.

There are some individuals who end up with side effects such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or stomach cramps after consuming foods that contain potassium additives.

Nausea and vomiting

There are some individuals who end up with side effects such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or stomach cramps after consuming foods that contain potassium additives. Even though these are the usual indications of an allergic reaction, a doctor should be consulted if the symptoms persist or becomes severe. In case the stools are black and tarry or he/she has vomitus similar to coffee grounds, seek immediate medical care.

Muscle weakness

Remember that it is not uncommon for individuals with food allergy or intolerance to end up with muscle and joint pain. Nevertheless, unusual muscle weakness can indicate a serious allergic reaction. A doctor should be consulted if the legs feel heavy or weak or there is numbness or tingling in the hands, feet or lips.

Symptoms such as listlessness and confusion can manifest as indications of a serious reaction. A diet that is high in potassium can also trigger hyperkalemia which is a medical condition that have similar symptoms. The individual can experience numbness, weakness, tingling sensations, paralysis, erratic heartbeat or fatigue. The use of salt substitutes or potassium supplements might be the cause.

Difficulty breathing

Erratic heartbeat, chest tightness, racing pulse rate and difficulty breathing are potentially serious effects of potassium food allergies. Some individuals who eat or drink food products that contain sulfites can end up with an allergic reaction to the potassium.

In such cases, a skin rash might develop or the individual will experience difficulty breathing. In some circumstances, dizziness or loss of consciousness are symptoms of a severe reaction that can be life-threatening. Take note that anaphylactic shock is an indication of a severe food allergy and considered as a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. In addition, swelling of the face and throat can also occur which presents the danger of asphyxiation.

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