Repetitive trauma injury from jogging

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Repetitive trauma injury or jogger’s breast can cause lasting damage that causes the breasts to drop. The continuous running while jogging can cause the breasts to move up and down and side to side. This not only triggers pain from trauma due to excessive movement but also permanent stretching of the Cooper’s ligaments which leads to drooping breasts.

In some cases, the breasts might not be properly supported which leads to tension and strain on the upper back and neck, particularly among women with large breasts. The surplus weight at the front causes the back muscles to strain to keep the shoulders in the right position. The muscles eventually weaken and become stretched which results to neck and back pain.

Repetitive trauma injury from jogging
Repetitive trauma injury is one of the usual injuries that affect the breasts as well as nipple issues and a direct chest injuries.

Anatomy of the breasts

The breasts are mainly comprised of fatty tissue along with the mammary muscle and glands. The breasts are supported by the Cooper’s ligaments which are slender bands interlaced into the breast and could not provide strong support.

In case the breasts are not properly supported using a sports bra, the repeated bouncing from jogging can stretch out the Coopers ligaments permanently. Repetitive trauma injury is one of the usual injuries that affect the breasts as well as nipple issues and a direct chest injuries.

Management of repetitive trauma injury

Prevention is vital when it comes to repetitive trauma injury. The appropriate sports bra should be used which provides good support and prevent vertical movement and side to side movement.

Remember that breast droop is irreversible which is why prevention is important. When it comes to back pain, it is recommended to maintain the correct posture with the shoulders back. In addition, a regular sports massage is the ideal way to minimize the tension in the muscles.

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