
The driver involved in a crash in a river received CPR

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The prompt delivery of CPR can significantly improve the chances of survival during emergencies. CPR was performed on a man involved in a vehicular crash into a river. Sadly, the driver of a car that crashed in the Sumas River passed away despite the delivery of CPR.

Bryan Volden, 65-year old was leaving McDonald Park at the end of No. 3 Road north of Highway 1 when his 2002 PT Cruiser veered off the roadway. He struck some wooden posts, careened across the parking lot, and landed in the water.

Unforeseen tragedy

According to Abbotsford Police Const. Ian MacDonald, Volden might have suffered from medical distress which resulted in the accident. The vehicle was more than halfway submerged in the water. A 45-year old man on the scene attempted to rescue the man by smashing a window in the vehicle. He pulled Volden to safety. CPR was quickly started until the arrival of the emergency responders on the scene.

The family of Volden would like to meet the Good Samaritan. The Abbotsford Police are trying to arrange a get-together for both parties. According to Rebecca Del Pozo, her father has a history of health conditions. He had previous heart attacks and had undergone open-heart surgery in the past.

The immediate delivery of bystander CPR is essential in the survival of victims during medical emergencies or accidents.

Helping others with CPR

The immediate delivery of bystander CPR is essential in the survival of victims during medical emergencies or accidents. Life-saving skills can significantly increase the chances of survival.

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