The mall guard saves a life with immediate delivery of CPR

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The immediate delivery of CPR was crucial in the survival of a victim. A woman was given CPR by a mall security guard when she collapsed.

On the day of the incident, Pamela Morgan collapsed in Semiahmoo Shopping Centre. She was lucky that Cameron Hubley was there to assist. The South Surrey security guard was recognized as a hero for his quick action that saved the life of the senior.

Hubley was working at the mall when he was alerted regarding a woman who collapsed. He knew that there was something wrong since she was not moving when he arrived on the scene. Morgan suffered a heart attack. When Hubley arrived, she was also bleeding from her head and turning blue.

When the heart attack occurred, she moved back into the floor and struck her head. Hubley made sure that his crew brought the medkits. Morgan’s face was turning blue and she did not have a pulse and not breathing. Hubley instructed a bystander to obtain a nearby defibrillator.

Hubley started the chest compressions and continued until the automated external defibrillator (AED) arrived. Hubley then instructed a bystander to continue CPR while he set up the device. Once the AED indicated the need for a shock, he gave one.

Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is essential to keep the blood flowing. It is a life-saving skill that everyone must know since emergencies can occur without warning.

In a short while, the paramedics arrived and took over. Morgan was rushed to a healthcare facility with a pulse and life-saving surgery was performed.

Rapid delivery of CRP and availability of AEDs

Quick response during emergencies is vital to the survival of the victim. Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is essential to keep the blood flowing. It is a life-saving skill that everyone must know since emergencies can occur without warning.

Along with the availability of AEDs, both play a role in increasing the chances of survival of victims during emergencies.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in first aid and CPR class and for more information, check out these sources:




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