Useful tips in managing asthma

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Aside from using the regular medications, it is vital to learn more about measures to minimize the symptoms as well as reduce the risk of having an asthma attack.

If the individual has been diagnosed with asthma and has been given regular preventive and reliever therapy, it is vital to utilize preventive treatment on a daily basis even if the individual feels well. Since asthma cannot be cured and the triggers could not be avoided, the use of safe and regular medications is the ideal way to achieve a normal life.

How to avoid the asthma triggers

The triggers of asthma vary from one individual to another. Some cases are activated by being exposed to pet fur or hair, pollen and other non-allergic irritants including perfumes. Some notice that the symptoms are typically worse right before the monthly menstruation period. If the individual noticed a possible trigger for the respiratory condition, it is best to consult a doctor.

Cold air is a main trigger of the asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing.

Stop smoking

If the individual smokes, it is best to stop the habit especially those who have the condition. It is important to note that smoke functions as an irritant and can instigate the asthma attacks. This makes the inhaled medications less effective. As an outcome, the individual is less likely to require large doses or inhaled steroid medications.

If an individual with the condition smokes the risk of developing conditions such as bronchitis or COPD increases. The lungs are already swollen and cigarette smoke can cause an even more potent effect.

The irritants present in the air such as secondhand smoke can also be considered as triggers. It is vital for those who have asthma to remain in an environment that is smoke-free.

Regular exercise

Even though physical activity or exercise can instigate an asthma attack, it should not occur as long as proper treatment is used such as inhalers. Individuals who have asthma must engage in regular exercise.

Cycling, walking and swimming are suitable activities to engage in if an individual has asthma. In case exercise triggers undesirable asthma symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. The individual might need preventive asthma treatments. Take note that using the reliever inhalers must be done 20 minutes before the planned exercise to minimize the subsequent symptoms.

Precautions during cold weather

Cold air is a main trigger of the asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing. It is vital to be careful during the winter season by staying indoors during cold, windy days.

If there is a need to go outdoors, use a scarf over the mouth and nose. Be careful when using regular medications and keep rescue inhalers readily on hand and in a warm place.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and cutting down on additives can be beneficial with the condition in the long run. It also helps to cut down weight since obesity has an adverse impact on the condition.


If the individual utilizes oral or inhaled steroids to manage the symptoms, flu and pneumonia vaccinations are required to minimize the chances of developing serious respiratory conditions.

The flu and pneumonia vaccinations can be given by the doctor. The flu vaccine is given every year while the pneumonia shot protects against certain types of pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia.

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