What are the causes of eczema flare-ups?

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Eczema is considered as an inflammatory and chronic skin issue that manifests as dry scaly skin, blisters and rash. These blisters can either be small or large and can spread and worsen when the individual scratches or rubs them. It is important to note that eczema typically occurs on the arms, hands and feet but can also manifest on any part of the body.


Eczema can come and go and can flare-up intermittently throughout the lifetime of the individual. By understanding the exact causes of eczema, it can help prevent future flare-ups from occurring. You can learn ways to manage this skin condition by enrolling in a first aid course today.


There are certain foods that can also trigger the flare-up of eczema. This can be caused by allergies that release histamine into the skin. Certain fruits contain salicylates that can trigger an outbreak of eczema.

It is important to note that eczema typically occurs on the arms, hands and feet but can also manifest on any part of the body.

Other foods that can instigate eczema include shellfish, peanuts and dairy. Additionally, various foods also have artificial additives and preservers that can initiate the reaction of the immune system. Flavor enhancers, dyes, food coloring, additives and artificial sweeteners that change the smell of food can trigger the flare-up of eczema. It is recommended to eat more whole grains, fresh vegetables and essential fatty acids present in cold water fish as well as oily nuts. Probiotics and fish oil present in yogurt can also help reduce the flare-up of eczema.

Skin irritants

Eczema can be inherited which makes the skin of the individual less resilient to the environmental triggers. Eczema can flare up if the individual uses detergents, abrasive soaps, deodorants, synthetic perfumes, lotions and antiperspirants.

Individuals who have sensitive skin can end up with a flare-up from certain types of clothing such as silk, wool, rayon and other synthetic materials. It is recommended to dilute washing powder as much as possible, wash soaps thoroughly and use gloves if possible. Additionally, daily moisturizers that do not have any artificial additives such as petroleum jelly can help provide relief to the symptoms.


Cases of infection and the immune system are also connected to eczema. An immune system that is weakened will allow the pathogens to thrive on the skin surface. Bacterial skin infections such as streptococci and staphylococci can thrive on the skin and trigger a flare-up of eczema.

Yeast and fungus can also spread once the immune system of the body is compromised. Those who live in areas with high humidity will increase the yeast and fungus on the body. Observing correct hygiene and the application of fungal creams will eradicate likely causes of the outbreaks.

Viral infections that include warts and herpes can also add up to the outbreaks of eczema. The other immune system factors include imbalances in the white blood cells that produce a weakened barrier in protecting the skin.

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