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Why do I have sore ankles after skiing?

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Sore ankles might occur after skiing. Since the sport necessitates control and balance, the muscles and joints are significantly strained.

The basic position during downhill skiing is a partly flexed ankle. Those who are not accustomed to this position or those who push beyond their body’s limit might end up with sore ankles after skiing. This is a usual complaint that is brief and minor but if it is severe, a doctor must be consulted.

What is the role of the ankle?

The ankle joint is sturdy enough to support the body weight continuously while standing, walking or in any form of movement. The joint plays a vital role in balancing while skiing.

Ankle injuries are likely to occur among snowboarders, skiers and athletes who engage in other types of snow sports.

The ankle joint is flexed, extended and rotated to enable forward, backward and lateral motion while on the slopes. It is important to properly warm up with a short walk, jog or jumping jacks to slacken up the ankle so that it can function without any issues while skiing.

Strengthening of the muscles

The ankles should be strengthened, specifically the muscles and other soft tissues that support the joint. This can help improve overall balance and lessen the soreness after a day of skiing.

Proper fitting footwear

Sore ankles associated to skiing might not be due to weakened ankles and poor balance but by wearing a boot that does not correctly fit. The ski boots are built to provide support to the ankle as well as allowing the joint to flex properly.

It is recommended to try on a variety of boots, including those that have an adjustable flex until the individual finds the right style that provides adequate comfort.

Injuries linked to sore ankles

Ankle injuries are likely to occur among snowboarders, skiers and athletes who engage in other types of snow sports. Tendon and ligament tears, strains and muscle pulls are expected.

The injuries that do not seem to improve over a few days with cold therapy, rest and over-the-counter pain medications might necessitate further medical care. A doctor must be seen if the pain is severe or the individual could not bear weight on the affected ankle.

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