What are the detrimental effects of eating raw eggs?

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Cooked or raw eggs can pose as a potential health risk particularly among those who consume them on a regular basis over an extended period. The consumption of raw eggs will not only increase the risk of acquiring disease, but can also lead to protein and vitamin deficiencies. Cookie dough, cake batter and other foods that contain raw eggs must be avoided as much as possible due to the potential risk of becoming sick due to the presence of bacteria in some eggs.


The consumption of raw eggs can drastically increase the risk for developing salmonella poisoning. Always bear in mind that salmonella is one of the leading cause of food-borne illnesses in different parts of the world and can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, fever and chills. In some cases, salmonella poisoning can be deadly. It is recommended to cook eggs completely in order to eliminate the salmonella bacteria that might be present.

You can manage the symptoms of this food-borne illness by enrolling in one of the first aid courses available in your area today. As long as you know the steps to take, you can prevent the condition of the individual from worsening.

Deficiency of biotin

The consumption of raw eggs can disrupt with the proper absorption of the vitamin biotin. Always bear in mind that raw egg whites typically contain avidin which is a protein that binds to biotin in the stomach, thus preventing it from being properly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Cooking eggs will help destroy avidin, thus minimizing the risk of developing a deficiency on biotin. Always remember that biotin deficiency is rare but can still cause issues such as skin rashes and hair loss.

Protein bioavailability

When raw eggs are cooked, it increases the bioavailability of protein within them. Almost half of the protein found in raw egg is bioavailable which simply means only half of the protein can be absorbed by the body. When the eggs are cooked, the bioavailability of the egg protein increases, thus making cooked eggs a better source of available protein than the raw eggs.

Considerations to bear in mind

Based on studies conducted, it is recommended to avoid raw eggs and must be cooked thoroughly before they are eaten. The eggs must be constantly refrigerated and used within two weeks after they are bought. After the handling of raw eggs, it is vital to wash hands before touching anything, especially other foods since there is a risk for transmitting salmonella bacteria to other surfaces.

Due to the health risks involved when eating raw eggs, it is best not to attempt eating them raw. Always have eggs properly cooked and check the expiration date on the packaging to ensure that you are not eating those that are way past the expiration date.

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