What to do for common cold with a severe headache?

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Throughout the years, common cold has been considered as a usual condition that affects millions of individuals every year. In most cases, the condition will eventually subside without requiring treatment but recovery can be hastened with simple remedies. The common cold is caused by a virus that attacks the body. The most common symptoms of common cold include runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. The condition is usually accompanied by fever less than 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Oftentimes, a common cold can be accompanied by a severe headache which cause discomfort to the individual. It can be severe in some cases that it can disrupt the individual at work or at school.


Possible causes

The sinus cavities can become inflamed during common cold, which causes them to swell and produce pressure all over the head. The resulting sinus headache can be felt in the forehead, cheeks and behind the ears. In most cases, a sinus infection can develop and must be checked by a doctor for proper assessment and treatment.

Common cold
Oftentimes, a common cold can be accompanied by a severe headache which cause discomfort to the individual.

What are the symptoms?

A severe headache from a cold is described as dull, throbbing pain within the head. An individual with a severe headache from a cold can suffer from pressure all over the face that is sensitive to touch. Take note that the pain can heighten with abrupt movement or standing up quickly. The pain can also worsen in the morning upon waking up and improves throughout the day. Even temperature changes can worsen the pain.

Home remedies

There are certain home remedies that can help minimize the symptoms of common cold such as adequate rest, using a humidifier and drinking fluids. A saline spray can be used to loosen up the mucus in the nose and promote drainage that can minimize inflammation and sinus pressure that causes pain. The individual can also inhale steam from a warm shower or simply position the head over a bowl of boiling water to soothe the sinuses. It is best that you are prepared to manage the symptoms of common cold by enrolling in a course on first aid today.

Medical treatment

The usual medications that are prescribed by a doctor to manage the headache due to common cold include pain medications and decongestants. In case the headache is caused by a sinus infection from the cold, the doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics.

The pain medications can help minimize the pain due to the sinus pressure while decongestants work by reducing the inflammation in the sinuses.

Considerations to bear in mind

If the headache during common cold becomes severe over a 24-hour period, it must be properly assessed by a doctor. Medical care is also required if the individual experiences confusion, memory loss, physical instability, numbness or changes in the speech or vision. In case the headache is felt in the eye, it might indicate an eye infection.

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