Will I have diarrhea if I eat pistachio nuts?

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Pistachio nuts does not usually trigger diarrhea but if the individual develops diarrhea after the consumption of these nuts, it might indicate an allergy. The pistachio nuts are tree nuts that are capable of triggering the usual digestive symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Once you suspect that an individual has allergy to pistachio nuts, a doctor must be consulted. The individual should stop eating pistachios until he/she is properly assessed by allergy testing either through a skin prick test or blood test.

What you need to know about pistachio nuts

Pistachio nuts are categorized as tree nuts along with walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. If an individual is sensitive to one tree nut, he/she is at risk for developing an allergy to other tree nuts. Always bear in mind that an allergy to tree nuts has been considered as one of the most prevalent food-related allergens among adults that can be a life-long condition.

Pistachio nuts-diarrhea
The digestive symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain and gas.

Possible cause

During an allergic reaction to pistachio nuts, the immune system malfunctions and erroneously identifies the proteins in the nut as a threat to the body. The immune system establish a defense against the proteins by generating specific antibodies known as immunoglobulin E. The immunoglobulin E antibodies will cause the mast cells in the digestive tract to trigger the release of histamine. Remember that histamine helps the body fight infection but if present in large amounts, it can lead to inflammation. The swelling and inflammation in the intestines can result to diarrhea as well as other gastrointestinal issues.

What are the symptoms?

The digestive symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain and gas. If an individual is allergic to pistachio nuts, he/she will develop other symptoms along with diarrhea. Remember that the individual will also develop rashes, shortness of breath, tingling in the face or mouth, nasal congestion, chest tightness, sinus pressure and sneezing episodes.


The treatment typically starts with proper diagnosis. A doctor must be consulted regarding testing in order to confirm an allergy to pistachio nuts. If the individual is diagnosed with an allergy to pistachio, he/she must avoid consumption of all types of tree nuts. It is important to note that food manufacturers reveal the use of tree nuts on the packaging. The individual must read all ingredients on foods bought and when eating outside, ask the server about the ingredients to avoid being exposed to tree nuts.

Considerations to bear in mind

Remember that diarrhea can eventually lead to weight loss, dehydration and malnourishment. It is recommended to increase the intake of fluids, avoid spicy foods, getting enough rest and sticking with bland foods such as bananas, toast or rice. Electrolytes sports drinks can be given to maintain proper hydration until a doctor can be consulted. You can properly manage dehydration if you will register for first aid training today.

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