What are the usual asthma triggers?

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The triggers of asthma include certain materials, conditions and even activities that either worsen the symptoms or trigger a flare-up. The triggers are quite common which is why it makes them bothersome. In some circumstances, complete avoidance of the asthma triggers can be difficult. Nevertheless, with proper planning, an individual can prevent exposure to his/her triggers and minimize the risk for an asthma attack. You can readily ease the symptoms of this condition if you will register for first aid training today.

Environmental triggers

Being exposed to air pollution, pollen, cigarette smoke and fumes from burning substances can trigger the flare-up of asthma. Pollen from various plants is the most upsetting during the spring and fall season. With this in mind, the individual must avoid going outside during the peak pollen times of the day.

The best way to avoid exposure to environmental triggers is to stay indoors and use an air conditioner if available. The air conditioner can help reduce the indoor air pollutants such as pollen and lowers the humidity level in the house. This will help minimize the risk of exposure to dust mites in order to prevent a flare-up.

Asthma triggers
Pollen from various plants is the most upsetting during the spring and fall season. With this in mind, the individual must avoid going outside during the peak pollen times of the day.

Stop the growth of mold

Mold and mildew are considered as asthma triggers. An unwanted reaction from these triggers can be prevented by avoiding damp areas in the house. The elevated level of humidity can increase the risk for mold and mildew growth. It is best to invest on a dehumidifier if humidity is the issue. Make sure that any items such as rugs, shower curtains or firewood that has mold or mildew must be disposed of.

Watch out for dust

The dust mites are considered as common allergens that typically hide in living rooms, bedrooms and offices. It is recommended to buy dust-proof covers for the box springs, mattresses and sofa. Dust-proof pillow wraps that are placed in between the pillow and pillowcase should be used. Rugs and carpets are also known to harbor dust. If there is carpeting inside the house, it is best to replace it with hardwood flooring. Additionally, try to reduce unwanted clutter and wash the linens with hot water.

Crawling insects

Cockroaches are considered as asthma triggers. Once there is a cockroach problem in the house, there are measures to eliminate them. Initially, water and food containers must be properly covered. Areas where cockroaches are seen must be vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly. You can even call for professional pest control services to ensure that the house is free from cockroaches.


Even though pets are adorable, they can trigger an asthma attack among those who are allergic to pet dander. This trigger is present in all animals and some have more than others. In addition, the proteins that are present in the saliva, urine, feces, skin and hair of animals can also trigger asthma.

The best way to avoid a flare-up from these triggers is to avoid animals. For those who do not want to part ways with their pet, try keeping the animals out of the bedroom or off the furniture and if possible, they must stay outside. Pets that stay indoors must be bathed regularly.

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