What are the different types of fly bites?

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It is a known fact that flies can be an annoyance yet an inevitable part of life for everybody. Many have been bitten by a fly at some point in their lives and in most cases, it can be irritating. There are thousands of species all over the globe and some are known to bite animals and humans for blood. Some species even carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans once they deliver a bite. If you want to properly manage the symptoms of fly bites, click here.

Tsetse fly

The tsetse fly is a blood-sucking species that is found in Africa. It thrives in shaded areas in woody regions and hides in holes on tree trunks or in between tree roots. Both female and male tsetse flies need blood and prefer blood of animals but will feed on what is available.

The bite of a tsetse fly is painful and can cause the formation of red-colored bumps. There is also the possibility of transmitting sleeping sickness to both animals and humans. Take note that the early symptoms of sleeping sickness include fever, headache and inflammation. If left to progress, the individual can experience mental confusion or coma. If untreated, it can cause swelling in the brain and can be fatal.

Sand fly

Fly bites
The bite of a tsetse fly is painful and can cause the formation of red-colored bumps.

The sand fly is known to breed in areas with high moisture such as mud, putrefying plants and moss. This species is highly active between dusk and dawn. The sand flies feed on sap and nectar but the females will feed on the blood of both humans and animals.

Sand flies are quiet and tiny in size that you might not be able to notice them before they bite. Once a bite is delivered, it can be painful and can cause red-colored bumps and blisters. Sand flies can transmit diseases to both animals and humans particularly a parasitic disease called leishmaniasis. At the present, there is no vaccination to prevent leishmaniasis. The symptoms of this condition include the development of skin sores weeks or months after the bite. The sores clear up without treatment but can be serious in some circumstances.

Deer fly

Deer flies are usually present in areas close to lakes, swamps or other bodies of water and are highly active during spring. They tend to buzz around our heads during warm summer days but they typically quiet down at night. When in search for blood, the female deer fly will wait for animals or humans to pass by.

Deer flies possess sharp mouthparts that can easily pierce through the skin and cause pain and suck blood. They can transmit a rare bacterial disease called as rabbit fever (tularemia). The symptoms of this condition include fever, skin ulcers and headache. Rabbit fever can be effectively managed with antibiotics but if not treated, can be fatal.

Considerations to bear in mind

Aside from vegetation, flies can also gather around animal waste, animals, garbage and food. Flies could not be avoided entirely but there are measures to make the environment less inviting by keeping plants and grass properly trimmed.

Do not leave beverages or food outside and always clean up after pets and keep garbage containers tightly closed. When travelling to other countries, try to look up on the native insects to be prepared. If the individual develops swelling, fever or increasing pain after sustaining a fly bite, a doctor must be consulted.

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