5 Lifesaving Tests For Diabetes

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Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic that affects people across ages. In America alone, 112 individuals are diagnosed with diabetes every hour. Know the top five lifesaving tests for diabetes and prevent serious complications.

It is estimated that about 70 million Americans are living with diabetes. The actual number may even be greater, with millions more who have it, but actually do not know yet. The sad fact is that diabetes is a disease with a myriad of complications. This disease can affect virtually all body systems, from head to toe. Uncontrolled diabetes increases the chances of nerve damage, kidney problems, eye problems, strokes, and even fatal heart attacks. There are five essential tests for diabetes that can detect possible complications and prevent them from progressing.

Here are the five tests people with diabetes should have at least once a year.

  • Blood pressure

Blood pressure measures the pressure exerted by the blood on the blood vessels. The ideal would be anything below 130 over 80. Very high or very low blood pressure readings, especially for prolonged time, are not good. It is recommended that persons with diabetes check with their primary provider regularly to manage their blood pressure. Diet modification and medication are often recommended in the control of blood pressure. A well managed blood pressure decreases the risk of complications.

  • Hemoglobin A1C (Glycosylated hemoglobin)

This test for diabetes reflects the average blood sugar level for the previous three months. Hemoglobin A1C provides the most accurate baseline data when you are at high or low risk of developing complications. Unfortunately, there are still many people who have not had this test done.

  • Cholesterol profile

Low density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol, should not be more than 100. High density lipoprotein (HDL) should be greater than 45. Triglycerides should not exceed 200. Cholesterol can cause buildup of plaque in major blood vessels potentially causing problems in blood flow.

  • Microalbumin

This test for diabetes detects early signs of kidney disease. As mentioned earlier, diabetes can cause renal complications. The kidneys should be carefully monitored for impending problems.

  • Eye exam

The thick blood consistency may eventually result in nerve problems. An


annual eye exam helps detect eye damage at its early stage and allows vision-saving treatment.

If you have all these tests done, you will know problems as they develop and do something to avert its progress. Medical specialists highly advocate working closely with experts to prevent the disabling and fatal consequences of diabetes.

Finally, while diabetes sounds a terrifying disease, it’s not the end of the world

. In fact, diabetes can be a manageable condition. It is best to consult a health care specialist in the field of diabetes to ensure proper management of the disease. Alongside these tests for diabetes, you need to make the conscious effort of complying with all the health regimens recommended by your doctor.

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