Are you allergic to maple syrup?

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The common foods that triggers can allergic reaction include soy, wheat, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish and fish. On the other hand, there are other foods that can also trigger allergies in some individuals. Even though an allergy to maple syrup is not common, if you suspect that an individual is highly sensitive to it, consulting a doctor is definitely a wise step to take.

What are the symptoms?

If an individual is allergic to maple syrup, it can trigger symptoms that are similar to other types of food allergies. The individual can experience one or all of them while the severity typically depends on the sensitivity and amount of maple syrup that was ingested. The common symptoms include rash, hives, swelling, tingling sensation in the mouth or throat, abdominal problems, wheezing, dizziness and difficulty breathing. As for a severe reaction to the syrup, it can lead to a weak pulse, constriction of the airway, inflamed throat and loss of consciousness.

Maple syrup allergy
The common symptoms include rash, hives, swelling, tingling sensation in the mouth or throat, abdominal problems, wheezing, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

Diagnosing an allergy to maple syrup

The individual is encouraged to keep a food diary in order to note down foots eaten and any possible reactions that occur right after. This is a good way to determine trigger foods as well as allowing the doctor to find the possible source of the symptoms. If the individual suspects allergy to maple syrup, a blood test is performed to check for allergy-related antibodies. A skin prick test is commonly used to test for food allergy and involves the introduction of a small amount of the allergen to the skin. If there is a localized reaction, it indicates that the individual is allergic. The doctor will also instruct the individual to avoid maple syrup for several weeks and reintroduce it again and monitor for the symptoms to manifest.

Treatment for maple syrup allergy

An individual with maple syrup allergy should find ways to eliminate it from the diet to prevent the symptoms from occurring. The individual must carefully read food labels. It is important to note foods that contain maple syrup. Avoid foods that might contain maple syrup or maple sugar such as flavored oatmeal, cereal, bread, desserts and baked goods. If the individual has a favorite food item that contains maple syrup, it is best to try to prepare at home using alternative sweetener.

If a severe allergic reaction to maple occurs, it would require an injection of epinephrine or an EpiPen to help counteract the symptoms. Taking up a course on first aid training will surely come in handy especially if a family member has an allergy.

Important considerations to bear in mind

If the individual is allergic to maple syrup, sap or pollen from maple, it can also lead to the manifestation of the allergy symptoms. The symptoms include stuffed nose, contact rashes, sneezing and watery eyes. These symptoms can be relieved with the application of topical creams or antihistamines.

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