Allergy to bell pepper

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When it comes to food allergy, it typically occurs when the immune system of an individual reacts to a particular food. Even though a food allergy can occur as a response to any food, the most common triggers include soy, eggs, wheat, milk, shellfish, fish and nuts. Always remember that a food allergy is quite common among children than adults. In most cases, children will eventually outgrow a particular food allergy.

If an individual is allergic to bell pepper, the immune system of the individual will erroneously identify it as a harmful substance. The antibodies or IgE are formed specifically to the bell pepper. Once the individual eats foods that contain bell pepper, the immunoglobulin E recognizes it and generates chemicals that results to the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

What are the symptoms of an allergy to bell pepper?

The symptoms of an allergy to bell pepper usually manifest in a matter of minutes or even an hour after foods that contain bell pepper has been ingested. The symptoms typically involve the skin, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The skin reactions include hives or itchy skin which is red in color and itchy.  The gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea and vomiting while the respiratory symptoms include cough, shortness of breath and changes in the voice. In case of a severe allergic reaction that is accompanied by dizziness and difficulty breathing, it is known as anaphylaxis and can be dangerous.

Bell pepper allergy
The gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

What is oral allergy syndrome?

In some cases, an individual can experience symptoms of tingling and itchiness in the mouth without other symptoms if bell pepper has been eaten. This is called as an oral allergy syndrome and affects individuals who have allergic rhinitis and itchy eyes as response to certain allergens.

Diagnosing bell pepper allergy

The doctor will ask the individual to recall the events that occurred which led up to the allergic reaction. The diagnosis will be confirmed once the doctor performs a skin prick test. During this test, the skin is scratched with a small amount of the allergen and any reactions are noted down.


The ideal treatment for an allergy to bell pepper is to completely avoid bell peppers or foods that contain bell peppers. The individual must be careful when eating outside since bell pepper is commonly used in sauces or combined with other vegetables.

In case of accidental exposure to bell pepper, an antihistamine can be given for a minor reaction. As for a severe reaction that involves dizziness, hives, shortness of breath and vomiting, an injectable epinephrine or EpiPen must be administered to reverse the reaction. This is usually carried by an individual prone to severe allergic reactions. Once a shot is given, the individual must be taken to the emergency department at the nearest hospital for assessment and further treatment. If you will register for first aid training in Red Deer, you will learn how to use an EpiPen correctly.

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