first aid

Bedsores: What are the commonly used medications?

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Bedsores or pressure sores form after continuous pressure on bony parts of the body. Since bedridden or wheelchair-independent individuals could not change positions independently, they face a higher risk for developing bedsores.

Parts of the body that are likely to develop bedsores include the hips and heels. The management of existing sores involves the removal of pressure from the site, regular changing of dressings, medications and controlling excess moisture on the skin.

Topical antibacterial medications

The antibacterial drugs allow healing of bedsores if wound care or dressings could not heal the wound. The doctor might also prescribe antibacterial medications if the sore continues to seep after 2 weeks of wound care.

Parts of the body that are likely to develop bedsores include the hips and heels.

Preparations such as mupirocin ointment or silver sulfadiazine cream can hasten the healing if directly applied on the wound bed 2-3 times in a day for up to 2 weeks.


In some cases, the bedsores become infected and result to additional infections in the adjacent muscles, tissues and bones or move through the bloodstream. Antibiotics given intravenously or orally can help fight the infection. A wound culture is taken to determine the ideal antibiotic to use.

The indications of an infection include foul smell, increased drainage from the wound, greenish or purulent discharge, increased pain, redness around the skin and fever. An active infection can delay the healing process.

Pain medications for bedsores

Bedsores might result to significant pain to the individual. Oral pain medications can be taken to lessen the discomfort.

The prescription variants are taken 30 minutes before changing the dressings to make the procedure more comfortable. If the bedsore is infected, especially cases where it has spread to the adjacent bone and tissue, the pain can intensify. Some might suffer from painful muscular spasms in the affected area. In such cases, a muscle relaxant can be given to reduce the discomfort.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on bedsores is for learning purposes only. Learn to properly provide wound care by taking a standard first aid course with Red Deer First Aid.

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