Causes of exterior ankle bone pain

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Even though the ankle joint is considered sturdy enough to support the full body weight of an individual, it is designed for mobility and susceptible to instability and injury in some circumstances. Most cases of ankle injuries can occur to the exterior or lateral aspect of the ankle due to its skeletal structure, thus the pain on the exterior ankle bone is not uncommon. On the other hand, since the ankle bone pain can oftentimes indicate a serious issue, severe pain must be properly assessed by a doctor especially if it occurs right after sustaining an injury. It might indicate an injury that requires immediate attention to promote early healing.

Lateral ankle sprain

A sprain is a tear either complete or partial of the tissue bands that connect bone to bone called ligaments. Most cases of ankle sprains develop once the ankle rolls inward since the exterior ankle bone is longer than the interior ankle bone.

The indications of an ankle sprain include soreness or pain particularly with weight bearing along with bruising, swelling and limited range of motion. Even though most cases of sprains can be managed at home with the application of ice, compression, rest and elevation, consulting a doctor is the only way to rule out an ankle fracture.

Ankle fracture

Ankle bone pain
The indications of an ankle sprain include soreness or pain particularly with weight bearing along with bruising, swelling and limited range of motion.

A fracture involving the exterior of the ankle bone can occur during an ankle sprain in two ways. During an ankle sprain, the ligament can pull out a piece of the exterior ankle bone. This is called as an avulsion fracture and diagnosed using an X-ray. The exterior ankle bone can also end up fractured when it is turned forcefully exteriorly and the foot and ankle bones collide. The individual will have difficulty in bearing weight on the affected ankle and must consult a doctor for proper assessment.


The peroneal tendons covers the rear of the exterior ankle bone and even end up swollen and sore as a consequence of a sprain on the ankle or overuse. The indications of peroneal tendinitis include pain in the ankle that does not seem to respond to treatment along with swelling and tenderness surrounding the exterior ankle, pain that shoots from the ankle down to the foot and pain behind the ankle bone. The proper diagnosis is vital to properly manage this type of tendon injury as well as help alleviate chronic pain.

Arthritis and gout

Osteoarthritis can develop among older individuals who sustained frequent ankle sprains. This condition progresses in a slow manner and the pain and stiffness tends to worsen over time. When it comes to an attack of gout, the involved joint is warm, swollen and tender that even the weight of a bedsheet is too much to bear for the individual.

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