
Delivery of CPR saves the life of a baby

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The prompt delivery of roadside CPR saved the life of a baby girl. Prompt intervention with the delivery of life-saving measures can help save lives. Geraldina Carvalho and David McEvoy both pulled over and delivered CPR to save a baby until the arrival of the paramedics.

Saving a life

The 2 local heroes save the life of a 7-week old girl on the side of an Ottawa road. Both are urging the public to learn life-saving skills which will come in handy during emergencies.

Geraldina Carvalho was driving home from her shift at the Perley Rideau Veteran’s Health Centre when she saw a group of people at the side of St. Laurent Boulevard. A woman was holding a baby, and something about the child urged her to stop.

The child was turning purple and her heart was starting to slow down. Carvalho initiated CPR and in a short while, bylaw officer David McEvoy who is a CPR instructor spotted the commotion and pulled over. He took over in providing the chest compressions on the child. The baby started to move and went limp again. It required several rounds of CPR before her chest started to rise and fall again.

Upon the arrival of the emergency responders on the scene, Carvalho and McEvoy went home. Both watched the news anxiously hoping for an update on the condition of the baby.

Performing CPR on a child

If you want to be prepared during emergencies, enrolling in a first aid course is a good investment in the long run. Being prepared to deal with emergencies is a plus.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life.

You will learn the life-saving techniques necessary to save a life. Prompt delivery of these measures can significantly improve the chances of survival.

Importance of first aid training

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life. Prompt delivery of life-saving techniques improves the chances of survival during emergencies.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a first aid course and for more information, check out these sources:




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