First Aid Treatment for Open Wounds

Home remedies for second degree sunburn

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Sun exposure can cause symptoms such as blisters, intense reddened skin, swelling and intense pain. Remember that these simply indicate that the initial two layers of the skin have been damaged, thus resulting to a second degree sunburn. Even though serious, this type of burn can be managed at home as long as it is small in size and does not cover the hands, feet or face. A doctor should be consulted right away if the burn is severe than this or the symptoms tend to worsen.

During the summer season, it is vital to use proper protective gear while under the sun such as wide-brimmed hat. Do not forget to apply a sunscreen with appropriate SPF on exposed body parts to prevent sunburn from developing.

Cooling the skin

The best and simplest way to manage sunburn is to cool off the skin. If this can be done right away, it effectively stops the burning process as soon as possible in the affected skin as well as alleviating pain. When cooling second degree sunburn, you have it run it under cool water, not cold. You can also encourage the individual to get in a tub of cool water and immerse the burned area or simply cover the area using a cold compress. Just remember not to apply ice over the burn since this can cause more damage.

The best and simplest way to manage sunburn is to cool off the skin. If this can be done right away, it effectively stops the burning process as soon as possible in the affected skin as well as alleviating pain.

Moisturizing the skin

In case the skin is very red but not blistering, it is recommended to moisturize the skin. You can utilize a mild lotion or cream that contains aloe vera or other hydrating ingredients. Avoid using ointments such as Vaseline since these will only worsen the burn.

Cover the blisters

In case the skin is blistering and inflamed, cover it using sterile gauze. Make sure that you will wrap lightly yet in a secure manner around the burned area to protect the second degree sunburn while it heals. The blistered areas are quite vulnerable to infection and leaving them intact and covered is the ideal way to help the skin heal properly.

Pain medications

It is important to note that second degree sunburns are painful and taking over-the-counter pain medications can reduce the pain until it eventually heals. In most cases, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory medications until the painful symptoms subside.

There are certain individuals who respond differently to various medications. With this in mind, it is vital to use one that works best for the individual. Generally, aspirin should only be taken by adults. Acetaminophen is the safest option for children and teenagers. As for ibuprofen, it can also be given to children, teenagers and adults. If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor. A doctor should be consulted so that the suitable pain medication can be given.

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