A camel spider has features that strikingly resemble a scorpion. If an individual sustained a camel spider bite and is positively identified as the one responsible, certain indications might be present.
Signs of a camel spider bite
- Significant pain or discomfort – a camel spider bite can be quite intense due to its chelicerae which appear and function as crab pincers.
- Swelling – it is important to note that a camel spider bite can damage the bordering tissue. Swelling arises as a normal inflammatory response by the body.
- Bleeding – depending on the size of the spider and the bite site, a bite can trigger minor to significant bleeding.
Depending on the size of the bite, you should apply a bandage to prevent the entry of dirt or other debris.
Proper care for a bite
Since camel spiders are not venomous, sustaining a wound from a bite can be managed and cared for with first aid measures the same as with any form of wound.
- Cleanse the bite site thoroughly using mild soap and water or saline solution if available. The bites from camel spiders do not contain any venom but might be packed with bacteria that increases the risk for infection.
- Apply an antibiotic ointment on the site of the camel spider bite.
- Depending on the size of the bite, you should apply a bandage to prevent the entry of dirt or other debris.
- Monitor the overall condition of the wound. A tetanus shot might be necessary.
- In case fever or other signs of an infection are present, it is best to seek prompt medical care.
When it comes to a non-complicated camel spider bite, it is expected to heal in a few weeks the same as any wound.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on a camel spider bite is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize a bite and how to properly care for one by taking a standard first aid course with Red Deer First Aid.