Treatment for leg swelling

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There are various causes of leg swelling based on studies conducted throughout the years. It is important to note that these causes tend to vary from one individual to another and can range from minor as well as serious medical conditions. In some cases, it can be caused by a hereditary condition. Regardless of the cause of leg swelling, there are measures that you can perform in order to provide relief to the discomfort experienced by the individual.

What are the possible causes?

The legs might swell due to the buildup of fluid in the leg tissues. This condition is known as peripheral edema. You have to ask the individual regarding the recent activities he/she participated in that might have triggered leg swelling.

There is a possibility that the individual have used the feet strenuously such as sitting or walking for an extended period of time or even participating in a new sport or physical activity. You have to check if the swelling affects one or both legs or there is accompanying pain. Take note that this will help determine how to treat this issue.

Leg swelling
Regardless of the cause of leg swelling, there are measures that you can perform in order to provide relief to the discomfort experienced by the individual.

There are also certain prescription medications that can cause leg swelling. Those who are taking blood pressure medications, hormonal drugs, steroids and antidepressants might cause the swelling.

What are the common remedies for leg swelling?

In case the symptoms could not be caused by the activities engaged in by the individual, there are certain home remedies that can help. A simple first aid measure is to instruct the individual to lie down and elevate the affected leg higher than the head. Encourage him/her to use support stockings as well. These stockings are readily available in medical supply stores and drug stores.

The diet of the individual can also play a role. If the diet contains excess amounts of salt, it can eventually lead to leg swelling. With this in mind, the individual must reduce the sodium level in the diet as much as possible.

When to consult a doctor

Leg swelling can be a symptom of a serious medical disorder such as a heart failure, liver failure and kidney failure. The swelling can also be caused by conditions such as gout or arthritis. Other conditions that can lead to the development of swelling in the legs include infections, blood clot, allergic reactions, circulation problems or dietary issues. If the individual or a family member has a history of these conditions, it is best to consult a doctor right away.

If the cause of leg swelling has no explanation, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor will properly assess the condition and perform the required tests to ensure that the symptoms are not caused by any serious health issue. Nevertheless, the leg swelling might be a body warning that medical care is required, thus it is not advisable to simply ignore this condition.

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