How to remedy gout flare-ups?

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Gout is basically a form of arthritis that is defined by abrupt, severe attacks of pain, tenderness and redness in the joints, especially in the big toe. The gout attacks typically last 3-10 days and followed by periods free from pain before the next flare-up occurs.

Even though there is no cure for gout, taking the prescribed medications as well as making changes in the lifestyle can help reduce the pain during flare-ups as well as prevent future attacks and lasting damage on the joints. A doctor must be consulted before the individual will try out the home remedies for gout flare-ups. You can also enroll in a first aid class today to help minimize the symptoms of an attack.

Increasing the fluid intake

The gout attacks typically last 3-10 days and followed by periods free from pain before the next flare-up occurs.

Gout is triggered by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. It is recommended to drink 8-16 cups of fluid in a day in order to flush out the uric acid from the body as well as reduce the symptoms.

Always bear in mind that alcohol hinders the excretion of uric acid, thus it must be avoided during attacks. Coffee either regular or decaffeinated has been linked with lower levels of uric acid, but more research is required in order to determine its role in the management of the symptoms.

Diet modification

Take note that uric acid is the byproduct of purine breakdown. Purine is naturally present in the body as well as in certain foods. Consuming a balanced diet as well as reducing purine-rich foods such as red meats, mussels, organ meats, lentils and yeast can help reduce the gout symptoms and prevent future attacks.

The addition of antioxidant foods such as dark-colored fruits and vegetables can reduce the level of uric acid as well as prevent gout attacks.

Adequate rest

Deep breathing exercises and meditation as well as other relaxation techniques can help manage the pain caused by gout flare-ups. Walking or other forms of regular exercise can help relieve stress as well.

Careful use of supplements

Vitamin C supplements can help reduce the level of uric acid in the blood but there is not enough evidence to suggest that it can be used as a remedy for gout. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce the inflammation but must be avoided if the individual is currently taking blood thinners.

Avoid vitamin A and niacin since they can trigger gout attacks. A doctor must be consulted regarding the recommended dosage of supplements to be added to the diet of the individual.

Application of heat and cold

It is best to alternate hot compress for three minutes with a cold compress for 30 seconds for pain relief as well as improve the circulation.

Herbal teas

Teas that are made out of certain herbs either separate or combined are useful in managing the symptoms of gout. For the inflammation, bromelain or turmeric can be used. Remember that cranberry helps support kidney health.

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