Intractable vomiting

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Intractable vomiting is a form that is hard to control. This type of vomiting does not subside over time or with traditional treatment. It is often accompanied by nausea where the individual feels the urge to vomit constantly.

The condition is an issue of concern since the individual could not hold anything down. It is difficult to keep the body hydrated and gain enough nutrients which causes the individual to feel weak and fatigued.

What are the causes?

If an individual is suspected with this type of vomiting, a doctor should be consulted. Some of the usual causes of intractable vomiting include:

Intractable vomiting
This type of vomiting does not subside over time or with traditional treatment.
  • Acute gastroenteritis – this develops if an infectious organism irritates the digestive system, leading to nausea and vomiting.
  • Post-operative nausea – many individuals end up with intractable vomiting after receiving anesthesia during surgery. Since some drugs take time to wear off, the individual undergoes an extended span of vomiting and nausea. Those who are at higher risk include women, non-smokers and those taking opioid pain medications during or after a surgical procedure.
  • Elevated intracranial pressure – once this pressure becomes too high, the individual starts to feel sick. The usual causes of an elevated intracranial pressure include an abscess, hydrocephalus, tumor, brain infection or pseudotumor cerebri.
  • Using chemotherapy and other drugs
  • Gastroparesis – this is a condition that develops once the digestive tract does not move normally.
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum – this condition affects some pregnant women. It is characterized by severe nausea and often necessitates hospitalization for the administration of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Gastric outlet obstruction – this condition affects the ability of the stomach to empty normally.
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome – the condition is defined by episodes of vomiting lasting for 3-6 days followed by the improvement of the symptoms. This condition typically affects children but can also occur among adults.
  • Chronic nausea vomiting syndrome – if an individual has this condition, he/she experiences chronic episodes of vomiting for 3 months with accompanying symptoms such as nausea at least once a day and vomiting at least once every week.

What is the outlook?

It is important to note that intractable vomiting has various causes. An individual with the condition must seek treatment before other severe effects manifest such as malnutrition and dehydration.

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