Relief measures for oak allergy

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The seasonal allergies to the oak pollen can trigger intense symptoms that manifest abruptly and persist while the presence of the pollen in the environment stays high. Take note that both the live oak species and trees that shed their leaves yearly such as red and white oaks are capable of producing pollen in the late winter or spring. These large, prolific trees can cause seasonal allergies among those who are highly sensitive. For the best protection, individuals who have oak allergy must be well aware of the relief measures before the oak pollen season starts.

You can be prepared to handle an allergic reaction to oak by simply enrolling in a first aid course today. This is very useful if a family member is highly sensitive to the oak pollen during the peak seasons.

What are the medication regimens?

Oak allergy
Take note that both the live oak species and trees that shed their leaves yearly such as red and white oaks are capable of producing pollen in the late winter or spring.

Even though some individuals with seasonal allergies do not prefer the medicinal remedies, a short-term dose might have less health impact than a short-term illness. The levels of oak pollen fluctuate and during heavy periods, the symptoms triggered can be incapacitating if not treated right away.

The individual should use over-the-counter medications such as cromolyn sodium which is a nasal spray that can help manage a runny nose without causing any side effects. The individual must use cromolyn sodium a week before the seasonal allergies start. For stronger relief, antihistamines can be used which comes in the form of eye drops, sprays, tablets and liquids. Most of these effective, over-the-counter medications have side effects such as drowsiness while some of the prescription medications provide a higher degree of relief without sedation.

Removal of the allergens

The oak pollen is known to be dense and adhesive and can leave behind a visual reminder of its effects among highly sensitive individuals. Those who have oak allergy must flush out pollen from outdoor furniture before they are used and observe the allergen removal measures when going indoors.

It is advised to thoroughly shower and change clothes right away after being exposed in the outdoors. Bed sheets and pillowcases must be washed regularly during the oak pollen season to help reduce the symptoms. Since the oak pollen can stick to the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, flushing the eyes periodically can help clear out the allergens. In addition, a nasal saline rinse can be performed on the nose.

Protection from the environment

An indoor environment that is free from pollen can prevent and reduce the oak allergy symptoms. It is recommended to keep windows and doors closed and use an air conditioning unit. Allergy filters on the ventilation systems can help keep the pollen out.  The pollen taken inside on clothing and shoes can become trapped in the carpeting and become airborne during cleaning. Those who have serious allergies must have the carpets cleaned by someone else to avoid triggering an allergic reaction.

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