Safety measures for children during summer

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Children love to spend a lot of time outdoors especially during the summer season. By being familiar with precaution measures while under the sun, it can help prevent children from getting sunburn. Remember that taking into consideration healthy sun habits early will prevent skin cancer from developing. If you want to be prepared to manage sunburn, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

Protect freckle-faced and fair-haired children

Even though all children should be protected from the sun, those who have fair complexions tend to burn easily and face a higher risk for developing skin cancer later in life. It is important to dress the child in protective clothing made from materials that allows the skin to breathe but not see-through. If possible, long sleeves and pants are recommended. UV-protected sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat are also essentials during sunny days.

Even though all children should be protected from the sun, those who have fair complexions tend to burn easily and face a higher risk for developing skin cancer later in life.

Infants below 6 months old should not be applied with sunblock, thus they should be kept out of the sun and make sure that they are properly covered up. You can even utilize an umbrella or tent as a portable source of shade.

Try to block out the sun

You have to apply a 30+ SPF sunblock that can last for at least half an hour before the child is exposed to the sun. Remember that water-resistant sunblock is also sweat-resistant. Even if the child is not playing in the water, there is a chance for sweating to occur.

Make sure that you will apply lotion under the straps of bathing suits and below the swimming trunk waistbands. Take note that these areas are least exposed to the sun, thus most sensitive and likely to burn. Remember to reapply the lotion when the child takes a break in the shade every two hours or after swimming. The sun is at its strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM. Mid-day is the ideal time to rest from the harsh rays of the sun.

Watch out for “invisiburn”

Even though you cannot see it, it does not mean that it is not there. Even during cloudy weather, the sun is still strong. Children might not feel that they are getting burned but during overcast days, the UV rays will reflect off water, sand and concrete. Always apply sunblock even if it is not a sunny day.

Observe after-sun care

Oftentimes, the sun can be too strong to handle. In case the child suffers from sunburn, there are measures that you can carry out to reduce the damage and relieve the pain.

Encourage the child to soak in a cool bath or apply a wet compress to help alleviate the sensation of heat. An aloe vera or moisturizing lotion can soothe the irritated skin and reduce inflammation.  In some cases, you can utilize 1% cortisone cream during the initial days for severe cases of sunburn, but do not use on children below 2 years old.

If needed, provide an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen to relieve the pain and discomfort. Do not forget to provide the child with enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

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