Symptoms of gelatin allergy

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Gelatin is basically a product that is commonly linked with the food industry. Gelatin is a derivative of collagen which is a naturally occurring protein present in tendons, bones and skin of veal and beef. It is important to note that gelatin is considered as a main component of various childhood vaccinations such as mumps, measles, rubella, influenza and shingles. Just like with other substances, some individuals might have gelatin allergy. Always bear in mind that gelatin allergy can trigger some detrimental side effects.

If a family member has gelatin allergy, it is best to register for first aid training so that you can learn the appropriate measures to carry out during an allergic reaction. In case a severe reaction develops, it is best to bring the individual to a hospital as soon as possible.

Runny nose

Those who have gelatin allergy can suffer from runny nose after eating or being exposed to products that contain gelatin. If an individual has gelatin allergy received a vaccine that contains gelatin, there are side effects that can manifest right after the vaccination of the vaccine.

Gelatin allergy
In case the swelling or shortness of breath is experienced after eating or being exposed to products that contain gelatin, do not hesitate to consult a doctor right away.


The usual allergic reaction to gelatin is hives. These are red lumps that develop on the skin surface. Even though hives will not lead to a life-threatening scenario, it can cause a certain degree of discomfort due to the itchiness and redness of the skin that can later on lead to skin rashes or even burns. In case hives are evident after eating or being exposed to products that contains gelatin, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

Low blood pressure

Those who have gelatin allergy are likely to experience low blood pressure after eating or being exposed to products that contain gelatin. The low blood pressure reading can cause lightheadedness or dizziness. In case these symptoms experienced by the individual become evident after being exposed to products that contain gelatin, it is best to call a doctor right away.


Anaphylaxis is described as a life-threatening allergic response that develops in just a matter of seconds or even minutes after being exposed to the allergen. Take note that anaphylaxis due to gelatin allergy can occur but it is very rare.

This severe reaction is distinguished by swelling of the face and throat. The throat swelling can progress to the point where breathing can be hard. In case the swelling or shortness of breath is experienced after eating or being exposed to products that contain gelatin, do not hesitate to consult a doctor right away. If the individual has an injectable epinephrine available, a shot should be given to help counteract the symptoms. Once a shot is given, the individual should be taken to the emergency department at the nearest hospital for further assessment and treatment.

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