Treatment for chicken food poisoning

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If the individual just recently eaten chicken and later on experiences symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, appetite loss and fatigue, it might be food poisoning. It is important to note that food poisoning can be triggered by eating expired chicken, undercooked chicken or chicken that has been contaminated by bacteria. Consulting a doctor is the best option if the individual is suspected with food poisoning from chicken.

There are treatment options that you should be familiar with if an individual is suffering from food poisoning due to chicken. You can take part in a first aid class today to help relieve the symptoms experienced by the individual.

Encourage to stop drinking and eating

During the course of the condition, the individual may not feel like drinking or eating. The individual will initially feel sick, thus by stopping drinking or eating, it will give the digestive system a time to rest. The individual should avoid eating and drinking for a few hours so that the stomach can settle as well as preventing further episodes of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Chicken food poisoning
If the individual just recently eaten chicken and later on experiences symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, appetite loss and fatigue, it might be food poisoning.

Provide sips of water

Always bear in mind that diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration. Once the individual is ready to drink water, encourage him/her to take small and frequent sips. The individual can start with one or two small sips to check if he/she can hold the water down. If the body does not reject the water, encourage the individual to drink small and frequent sips. It is recommended to drink between 8-16 glasses of water in a day to prevent dehydration while at the same time hydrating the body.

Bland foods

Once the symptoms of food poisoning have diminished, the individual will feel hungry. Bland foods are the recommended choice such as rice, toast, banana and soda crackers. The individual should eat at a slow phase and in small amounts in order to determine if the body is ready to digest the food. It is important to stay away from foods that are difficult to digest such as caffeine, dairy, alcohol, fatty foods and spicy foods.

Antibiotic medications

Cases of food poisoning that is caused by bacteria from chicken can be treated with antibiotics in order to eliminate the bacteria. Even though antibiotics are not prescribed in all cases of food poisoning due to chicken, it can be given orally or intravenously if the symptoms are severe. In addition, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics if the individual is pregnant and suffering from food poisoning in order to prevent the unborn baby from acquiring the infection.

Intravenous fluids

In case the symptoms of food poisoning are severe and the individual cannot keep any food or water down, it is best to consult a doctor so that rehydration is done with the administration of intravenous fluids in the clinic or hospital. The intravenous fluids are comprised of salt and water which will supply the essential nutrients to the body quickly than drinking water.

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