Tuberculosis is a communicable condition that can result to ill health for an extended time. Consequently, it can deadly if the treatment is incorrect.
What is the cause?
Generally, tuberculosis is brought about by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria which mainly affects the lungs. It can impair sections of the lungs which leads to difficulty breathing. In addition, the bacteria can also spread to other parts of the body, including the brain, bones, kidneys and the joints.
Remember that this is a highly contagious condition that spreads mainly by air. An individual with the active form can spread it to others by sneezing, coughing, laughing, speaking or singing.
What are the signs?
In general, the usual indications can manifest around 2 months up to several years after exposure such as:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Diminished appetite
- Cough that starts as dry but later progresses to sputum production
- Joint pain
In some cases, there are no symptoms.
Management of tuberculosis
If the individual has the active form, treatment involves medications taken at home or in the hospital. The doctor prescribes various drugs for several months. In addition, the individual must use more than one drug.
Generally, you can prevent tuberculosis from spreading by getting a diagnosis early. If the individual has active TB, you can prevent the spread of the disease by:
- At first, start treatment with antibiotics as early as possible. Carefully follow the instructions given by the doctor on the dosage.
- Dispose soiled tissues in a plastic bag with a tight seal before disposal.
- Always cover the mouth and nose while sneezing, coughing or laughing
- In addition, thoroughly wash hands after coughing or sneezing or any time that the hands are used on the mouth or nose.