What are the causes of continuous itchiness?

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The continuous itchiness or tingling will urge the individual to scratch the affected area. The itchiness can occur upon exposure to irritants to the nerve cells along the skin. Always remember that the itchiness can develop due to various causes including skin issues, allergic reactions and medications. The continuous itchiness can affect certain parts of the skin or result to widespread eruptions on the skin. Those who suffer from continuous itchiness tend to have other symptoms linked with it. A doctor should be consulted to properly assess and treat the condition as soon as possible.


Psoriasis is basically a long-term condition that can cause a fast buildup of skin cells. The skin condition can develop due to an overreaction of the immune system. In most cases, the production of skin cells takes up to 4 weeks between shedding and growth of the fresh skin cells.

The unusual reaction of the immune system will lead to skin production spanning only for a few days. The symptoms of psoriasis include red-colored patches, persistent itchiness, thickened skin and dry scaly areas that can bleed. Dry skin, stress, certain infections and medications can worsen the psoriasis.

The continuous itchiness can affect certain parts of the skin or result to widespread eruptions on the skin.


Scabies is best described as an itchy and highly communicable skin condition that is caused by the Sarcoptes scabei mite. These microscopic mites burrow into the surface of the skin where it thrives and lays eggs. The usual sites for infestation include the area in between the toes and fingers, around the knees, around the waist, around the shoulders, buttocks, neck, soles of the feet and palms of the hand.

The indicative symptoms of scabies include intense itchiness especially at night, irritation, rashes and sores due to scratching. The symptoms can take up to two months to manifest for those who are infested with scabies for the first time while an infected individual can still transmit the condition to others. Take note that scabies can be transmitted through direct skin contact, indirect transfer from clothing and sexual contact.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Always bear in mind that allergic contact dermatitis can develop due to allergens or irritants that came in contact with the skin. The skin condition can cause mild to severe skin reactions that can manifest on any part of the body. The symptoms include tenderness, itchiness of the exposed areas, localized swelling, rashes and skin lesions.

The rash does not manifest up to two days but can start as soon as an hour or late as a week. The common allergens that can trigger allergic contact dermatitis include dyes, rubber, poison ivy, nickel, fragrances and various skin products. You can enroll in a course on first aid today so that you are prepared to manage this skin condition.

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