What are the early symptoms of flu?

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Once the rainy season starts, it is important to protect your loved ones from getting flu. Flu viruses are primarily transmitted through saliva droplets from sneezing or coughing. This can occur through the air or getting in contact with shared objects used by a sick individual. Detecting the early symptoms of flu will not only help prevent the spread of the virus but also treat the illness before it gets worse.

How to Know if You Have the Flu: Flu Symptoms

Body aches and chills

Always bear in mind that body aches and chills are distinctive indications between the early flu and cold symptoms. Once an individual acquired the flu virus, most mistakenly attribute the body aches to another condition such as a recent workout. Body aches typically occur anywhere in the body particularly the head and legs. The chills can accompany the body aches at the same time or within hours of feeling the pain. Take note that flu can often cause chills before fever develops.

Sudden or severe fatigue

During the rainy season, the days are usually shorter, thus the shortened sunlight can make an individual tired earlier than during the summer season. On the other hand, there is a striking difference between being tired than feeling severely fatigued. Take note that abrupt, severe fatigue is considered as one of the early signs of flu and often serves as a warning before the other symptoms manifest. Even though fatigue is also a symptom of the cold virus, it is more severe with the flu. If the individual notices an abrupt, severe weakness that interferes with daily activities, the body is preparing to fight the flu.


Early symptoms of flu
A persistent cough is considered an indicative sign of early flu.

A persistent cough is considered an indicative sign of early flu. Always bear in mind that the flu virus can lead to a cough that is accompanied by chest tightness and wheezing. Over the course of the condition, the individual might cough up phlegm but this is rare during the early stages. If there are respiratory issues such as asthma, the cough must be assessed by a doctor to prevent further complications. When coughing, always cover the mouth to prevent the spread of the infection.

Sore throat

If the cough is related to flu, it can hastily lead to a sore throat. In some cases though, viruses can actually cause a sore throat without any cough. During the early stages of flu, the throat can feel irritated or scratchy. There is also a strange sensation when swallowing drinks or food. If an individual has a sore throat, it will worsen as the virus progresses. As a first aid measure, the individual must be given soups, tea or water to sooth the discomfort.


If fever develops, it indicates that the body is attempting to fight off an infection. Fever that is due to flu can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Even though fever is a common symptom during the early stages of flu, not all will get a fever. Additionally, fever can also be accompanied by chills.

Gastrointestinal issues

Always remember that the early symptoms of flu can affect areas below the head, throat and chest. Certain forms of the virus can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. These are more common among young children and dehydration can occur. Providing fluids that contain electrolytes can help prevent dehydration.

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