What is iodine allergy?

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An allergic reaction to iodine can lead to the manifestation of rashes, swelling of the throat, bleeding, joint pain, fever, hives and other symptoms of an allergy. If an individual is allergic to iodine, it is best to avoid iodine and iodine-based products. The symptoms of the allergy must be treated with emphasis on alleviating the pain and discomfort. You have to call a doctor right away if the individual experiences symptoms of a severe allergic reaction.

Symptoms of iodine allergy

Individuals who are sensitive to iodine can develop a rash, hives and even anaphylaxis in rare cases. The following symptoms can manifest if an individual is allergic to anaphylaxis.

  • Confusion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Lightheadedness
  • Hives
  • Rapid pulse
  • Nausea or vomiting

Is iodine allergy the same with shellfish allergy?

Iodine allergy
The symptoms of iodine allergy include abdominal pain, dizziness, diarrhea, heart palpitations and breathing difficulty.

Take note that shellfish allergy is not the same with iodine allergy; even though there is purportedly a connection between the two. It was believed that if an individual is allergic to shellfish, he/she must also avoid iodine. On the other hand, there is no evidence that supports this belief.

Individuals who have shellfish allergy have to avoid shellfish and products made out of shellfish. Other products to be avoided include supplements made out of coral reefs which are supposedly used to treat arthritis since it contains lobster, crab and shrimp shells.

Treating the skin reactions

You have to treat the reactions on the skin such as hives, rashes and itchiness by administering oral antihistamines or applying topical corticosteroids. You can easily purchase antihistamines at a local drug store to treat these symptoms. If you want to be sure, you can consult a doctor so that a prescription for an oral corticosteroid or topical corticosteroid cream can be given. These will help reduce the itchiness and skin inflammation.

Using a bronchodilator

A bronchodilator can be prescribed by the doctor for allergies in order to relieve the coughing, lung congestion and to help widen the airways. It is best to consult a doctor if the individual experiences breathing difficulty or other respiratory issues after using iodine or products that contain iodine.

When to call for help

You have to call for emergency assistance if the individual experiences severe allergy symptoms or an anaphylactic shock such as loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing. A shot of epinephrine might be administered in order to counteract the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. If an epinephrine auto-injector is available, you can administer a dose to counteract the symptoms until medical care is provided. You can learn more on how to handle allergies by enrolling in a first aid course.

Always inform the doctor if the individual is allergic to iodine or iodine-based products. Iodine must not be used on cuts or other injuries. All the medications must be checked to ensure that they do not contain iodine.

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