What are the indications of disposable diaper allergy?

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Throughout the years, disposable diapers have proven to be a convenience for most parents, but it is important to note that some babies are allergic to them. Diaper rashes, yeast infections and food sensitivities can trigger symptoms that are quite similar to an allergic reaction, thus it is vital for parents to be familiar with the symptoms of diaper allergy. If you suspect that an infant has diaper allergy, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Once a doctor is consulted, allergy tests either a blood test or skin prick test will be carried out to determine if it is time to switch to alternative diapers.

What are the common allergens?

Diaper allergy
In most cases, what is considered as an allergic reaction to diapers is actually a food allergy. If the child develops rashes in the area around his/her anus or just recently introduced to a new food, it is likely caused by food.

It is important to note that diaper allergy is considered as an allergy to a particular constituent present in diapers. The permeable gel in various diapers is responsible for triggering the allergic reactions. In some cases, babies are highly sensitive to the dyes as well as fragrances present in some diapers. In rare cases, babies are allergic to the plastic, cotton or other fibers present in diapers. In most cases, what is considered as an allergic reaction to diapers is actually a food allergy. If the child develops rashes in the area around his/her anus or just recently introduced to a new food, it is likely caused by food.

Symptoms of diaper allergy

Diaper allergies usually manifest as red-colored, minimally swollen blotches on the skin. The skin is usually raw and sensitive to the touch. As for older babies, they put their hands in their diapers in an attempt to relieve the itchiness.

Take note that some allergies cause discharge from the anus or genitals as well as dry patches on the skin. There are also rashes and allergic reactions that are quite similar to diaper allergy, thus it is vital to take note of the exact symptoms. Vomiting and fever are not linked with diaper allergy, thus there might be a different underlying condition. You can learn more about allergies by enrolling in a first aid course today.

How diaper allergy is diagnosed

The usual symptom of diaper allergy is persistent irritation in areas in which the diaper gets in contact with the skin, notwithstanding the food eaten; time spent using the diaper and other factors. The doctor will ask regarding the conditions in which the child developed a reaction to determine the cause of the allergy. The location of the rash is used to determine the allergens that might cause a reaction. If the infant develops redness or rash in the genital area, he/she might be allergic to the gel within the diaper. Babies who suffer from rashes in the upper part of the diaper or the whole area covered by the diaper, he/she might be allergic to the fabric of the diaper.

Other possible allergies

The most common allergy to diaper is not actually an allergy to the diaper, but a reaction to something present in the diaper. It is important to note diaper rashes are trigger by yeast which is a fungus. Redness, swelling and pain are the allergic reactions to yeast.

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