What are the potential side effects of chickenpox vaccine?

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The chickenpox vaccine is formally called as the varicella vaccine which is a type of inflammation given in order to prevent the development of chickenpox among those who are treated with the vaccine. Chickenpox is an infection triggered by the virus known as varicella-zoster and considered as a highly transmissible disease. With the help of the vaccine, it might help prevent the condition from developing or help minimize the severity of the symptoms.


The vaccine is given as an injection among children between 12 and 15 months old and then followed by a booster shot that is given between 4 and 6 years old. Parents must carefully discuss with the doctor the possible symptoms as well as the side effects of the chickenpox vaccine before the child is immunized.

Reaction in the injection site

The chickenpox vaccine is usually given as an injection in the upper part of the arm. Those who are given the chickenpox vaccine can develop a reaction at the site of the injection as a side effect of the immunization. These symptoms that are likely to manifest include soreness, redness or swelling at the site where the vaccine was administered.

Chickenpox vaccine
Individuals who receive the chickenpox vaccine can end up with flu-like symptoms. The flu-like symptoms include fever, fatigue, body aches and nausea.

The injection of the vaccine into the arm can also lead to stiffness of the arm which can affect the ability of the individual to move the affected arm normally. These symptoms are temporary but can last for a few days after the immunization was given.

Symptoms similar to flu

Individuals who receive the chickenpox vaccine can end up with flu-like symptoms. The flu-like symptoms include fever, fatigue, body aches and nausea. A small percentage of individuals develop low-grade fever after the vaccine is given. Children who are given the vaccination can also become irritable or fussy due to the symptoms

Take note that these side effects of chickenpox can manifest shortly after treatment and generally resolve within a few days. Those who suffer from persistent or severe flu-like symptoms after receiving the chickenpox vaccine must seek medical care for proper assessment and care.

Skin rashes

In some circumstances, those who are immunized with the chickenpox vaccine develop a skin rash. The affected skin will appear unusually red in color or irritated which can be localized to the injection site. The small-sized bumps or pus-filled skin lesions can develop across the skin and can become uncomfortable or start to itch. Take note that these skin rashes can manifest up to a month after receiving the chickenpox vaccine and can last for several days before completely resolving.

If any of these side effects manifest after the chickenpox vaccine was administered, there are measures that can help provide relief as well as ensure comfort. If you want to learn more about these measures, you can enroll in a class on first aid today.

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