What are the symptoms of chronic allergies?

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It is important to note that chronic allergies affect many individuals year round, during occasional contact or seasonal but all are considered as chronic health problems that must be checked by a doctor. Those who become sensitized to a particular allergen will react to it to a certain degree every time they will encounter the substance.

Always bear in mind that allergies are considered as chronic conditions affecting millions of individuals all over the globe. Individuals can take note of the recurrent allergy indicators in order to determine the exact cause of the chronic allergies and choosing the appropriate treatment options.

Skin reactions

Facial swelling is an indication of an allergy due to an insect sting or reaction to a particular drug. Flaky, itchy, red skin can also indicate an allergy to a particular drug or atopic dermatitis which is a chronic type of eczema.

It is important to note that contact dermatitis is a skin reaction to an allergen or irritant such as poison ivy or perfume that can result to red, itchy rash accompanied by blistering, pain and dry bumps. These might be symptomatic of a drug, food or insect sting as well.

Eye symptoms

Chronic allergies
The swelling will obstruct the breathing and can also cause wheezing, coughing, dizziness and shortness of breath due to the lack of oxygen.

Both seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis can trigger teary, itchy eyes. Elevated levels of allergens or rubbing of the eyes can cause swollen and red-colored eyelids. It is noted that the hay fever pollens as well as contamination of indoor air with dust mites, mold and pet dander can generate allergic reactions with these symptoms. The serious respiratory issues can be avoided by taking into consideration the signs and symptoms so that the appropriate first aid care and treatment can be given right away.

Nasal symptoms

Take note that allergic rhinitis is also responsible for triggering the nasal symptoms and the first is a dry itch in the nasal passages. This symptom is followed by sneezing, runny nose and post-nasal drip. The excess production of mucus can lead to a stuffy nose, thus making it difficult to breathe.

Mouth symptoms

The allergy signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis can include the itchiness in the mouth and throat. The itchiness and tingling sensation in the mouth can also indicate an allergic response to a particular food. Additionally, food allergies can trigger the swelling of the lips, throat and tongue which can eventually progress to respiratory health issues.

Breathing symptoms

If an individual experiences allergic reactions to the airborne contaminants, foods, medications and insect venom, he/she can suffer from breathing symptoms. A mild congestion can occur or even a severe reaction called as anaphylaxis can occur. It is important to note that respiratory health issues are common during allergies aside from contact dermatitis.  This is due to the fact that several allergens are embedded deeply into the airways, resulting to the swelling and inflammation. The swelling will obstruct the breathing and can also cause wheezing, coughing, dizziness and shortness of breath due to the lack of oxygen.

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