What are the symptoms of kidney infection in women?

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The kidneys are best described as organs shaped like beans that are situated in the lower back on each side of the spine. These organs are responsible for filtering the waste products from the body and generate urine. When kidney infection develops, it is due to bacteria that travel via the bloodstream or the urinary tract.

Women are more prone to develop urinary tract infections than men due to the short length of the urethra that is near the anus. By being familiar with the symptoms linked with kidney infection, it is vital so that you will know when medical care is needed. Always remember that permanent damage on the kidney can occur if timely treatment is not provided. If kidney infection is suspected, it is best to have the condition properly assessed so that early treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Kidney infection
The woman can also suffer pain in the abdomen or groin. In such cases, the abdominal pain can also be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.


A woman with kidney infection can suffer from fever as an indication of the condition. Take note that the fever can start abruptly and can reach levels higher than 101 degrees F. The fever can be accompanied by chills. As for those with chronic kidney infection, the fever can come and go or might not occur at all. If you will register for first aid training today, you will learn measures to help manage this symptom.


In most cases of kidney infections, it usually affects one or both kidneys at a time. The pain can manifest on the same side of the body as the infected kidney. The location of the pain during a kidney infection includes one side of the body or on the lower back on one or both sides of the spine.

The woman can also suffer pain in the abdomen or groin. In such cases, the abdominal pain can also be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. The nausea and vomiting during kidney infection can indicate an increase in the severity of the infection.

Urinary changes

The urinary symptoms linked with kidney infection are often similar to the indications of a lower urinary tract infection known as cystitis. Always bear in mind that these symptoms can include an augmented regularity as well as need to urinate. Women are more likely to suffer from pain or a burning sensation during urination.

Take note that the urine can appear cloudy or contain pus or blood. The blood in urine can appear as bright red streaks or can change in color into pink, red or rusty color.

Symptoms among the elderly

Among elderly women, they might not have any of the symptoms usually present during kidney infections. Since the symptoms do not manifest, older women might not seek medical care for the infection. If proper treatment is not provided, the infection can spread to the bloodstream and lead to sepsis. Additionally, older women will also start to experience delirium when kidney infection is present.

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