What are the usual psoriasis triggers?

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Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that manifest with skin symptoms. This condition is characterized by scaly, itchy patches of thickened skin. The condition can be annoying or can be an agonizing torment in severe cases which is why it should not be taken lightly. In a study conducted, it was discovered that those who have psoriasis face a higher risk for depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Since the cause is unknown, there are several potential triggers that must be avoided. If you want to ease the discomfort due to the symptoms, read here.


It cannot be denied that many love to spend some time outdoors, especially during the summer season. As for those who have psoriasis, prolonged exposure can instigate a major outbreak. Take note that moderate exposure to the sun can relieve the symptoms in some individuals but sunburn will surely trigger a flare-up. With this in mind, minimal exposure to the sun can relieve the symptoms but it must be kept to a minimum.


In a study conducted, psoriasis tends to occur among those who drink alcohol. Unluckily, alcohol is considered as a trigger for those who have psoriasis. Take note that there is an increase in the symptoms among those who consumed non-light beer.

stress is a main trigger for psoriasis outbreaks. It is vital to reduce the level of stress as much as possible.


It is sad to note that stress and psoriasis are usually connected. The life effects caused by psoriasis such as exhausted finances due to prolonged treatment, social shame and life of agony can cause increased stress. Unfortunately, stress is a main trigger for psoriasis outbreaks. It is vital to reduce the level of stress as much as possible. Meditation and yoga are known to successfully reduce stress linked with various types of pain.

Cold and dry weather

Cold and dry weather can be detrimental to those who have psoriasis. The moisture is eliminated from the skin during bitter cold temperatures and the use of drying heat devices will only worsen the condition. The individual should minimize exposure during the cold season and look for a good humidifier.

Certain medications

There are some medications that disrupt with the autoimmune response of the body and can trigger a severe psoriasis attack. These medications include beta-blockers that are used for high blood pressure as well as steroid medications and drugs used for malaria. The individual must inform his/her doctor if any of these medications are prescribed.

Skin issues

An insect bite, cuts or wounds can lead to the development of fresh lesions on the affected area. Take note that these can even occur during daily activities. When engaging in any activity that can lead to skin injury, always make sure to take into consideration certain precautions such as wearing gloves, long sleeves and even using an insect repellant cream or spray.


Some forms of infection such as thrush, strep throat and upper respiratory infections can instigate an outbreak. Once you suspect that an individual has any of these infections, it must be treated by a doctor promptly.

Considerations to bear in mind

Even though it is not possible to avoid all the possible triggers, proper planning can greatly help in preventing an outbreak. The individual should always bring a sunscreen and hat at all times. By being familiar with the specific triggers, it can prevent and reduce most of the outbreaks.

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