What is the milk sensitivity diet for toddlers?

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A child with milk sensitivity could not tolerate the proteins present in milk, thus his/her diet must be free from these substances. On the other hand, limiting dairy products is not an easy task and a child who is not given milk products might face the risk for nutrient deficiencies if replacement foods are not consumed. By understanding the foods that the toddler should eat more as well as those that must be avoided can help plan out a milk sensitivity diet that will keep the toddler happy and healthy. If you want to properly managed milk sensitivity, read here.

What is milk sensitivity?

Milk sensitivity develops once the immune system of the toddler reacts to the proteins present in cow’s milk. Take note that this is a reaction to the major milk proteins in cow’s milk – whey or casein. Unlike with lactose intolerance, this involves a steady loss of the enzymes required to digest milk sugar while milk sensitivity can lead to a severe allergic reaction in some children. In most cases, milk sensitivity can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, red-colored rash around the anus or mouth, vomiting, eye irritation and runny nose.

In most cases, milk sensitivity can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, red-colored rash around the anus or mouth, vomiting, eye irritation and runny nose.

Nutrient requirements

One of the biggest issues when it comes to a milk sensitivity diet is providing enough calcium to the toddler. Milk and dairy products made out of milk are a main source of calcium for most young children, thus limiting these foods can result to deficiency.

Calcium is essential for the growth and formation of bones, muscles and teeth. Toddlers between the ages of 1-3 years old require about 500 mg of calcium in a day. Another concern when it comes to a milk-free diet is vitamin D since toddlers requires about 400 IU of vitamin D on a daily basis.

What are the foods to avoid?

The foods that must be avoided for milk sensitivity will depend on the degree of his/her allergy. In some cases, all sources of milk protein must be removed from the diet while others can tolerate small amounts of cheese, yogurt or ice cream but could not take on a glass of milk.

In case the child is highly sensitive, you have to check the product labels for the presence of milk as well as milk products such as whey or casein. Cookies, breads, sauces, cakes, candies and prepared meals contain milk proteins that can trigger a reaction.

What are the foods to eat?

A toddler with milk sensitivity can indulge in calcium-fortified cereals, soy milk, orange juice, rice milk or tofu. Take note that these foods can also provide vitamin D to the toddler. Other sources of calcium and vitamin D include canned salmon with soft, mashed bones.

Oranges, beans and leafy green vegetables can also provide calcium to the growing needs of the toddler. If the toddler is still being breastfed, it can provide some of the calcium needs. Take note that breast milk does not contain the similar proteins as cow’s milk, thus a toddler with milk sensitivity can continue to breastfeed until the mother and child decides to stop.

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