Inline skating injuries

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Inline skating is considered as a popular form of exercise that is capable of burning calories just like with cycling or running while at the same time placing less strain on the joints in the lower body. It is sad to note though that inline skating injuries can also occur.

Once an individual is suspected with any of the skating injuries, it is best to seek a doctor for proper assessment especially those that involves the head.

Common inline skating injuries

Most of the inline skating injuries are musculoskeletal in nature including sprains and fractures. The wrist is the frequently affected body part and most injuries are fractures. As for head injuries, they are also counted as inline skating injuries.

Management for inline skating injuries

Since most inline skating injuries are traumatic rather than overuse, most of them require more than just taking a break from the activity. In case the injury appears mild, suitable first aid measures include getting enough rest, application of an ice pack or other cold therapies such as using a compression device or wrap as well as elevating the injured body part to minimize the swelling.

Once there is evident bone or joint deformity, it indicates a dislocation or fracture. The individual must seek medical care as soon as possible. The fractures on the wrist can be managed occasionally with reduction in the emergency department but often require surgery. Other injuries can be managed with braces, splints, casts or surgery depending on the severity and body part involved.

Inline skating injuries
Since most inline skating injuries are traumatic rather than overuse, most of them require more than just taking a break from the activity.

Prevention of inline skating injuries

Always bear in mind that injuries can be prevented to some extent with inline skating. Individuals who are not familiar with the sport must consider taking lessons since novice players often end up with injuries.

Understandably, learning to stop as well as speed control and balance are vital. Additionally, those new to the sport must stay in a safe environment and avoid areas with hills, traffic, obstacles and uneven surfaces that increase the risk for falls.

Using protective gear is vital in order to reduce serious musculoskeletal injuries. It is discovered that using wrist guards can minimize the cases of wrist injuries. Elbow pads can minimize the incidence of elbow injuries as well as using knee pads. Even though head injuries are justly infrequent, skaters must use helmets to avoid incurring serious injuries.

Those who engage in inline skating should skate based on their skill level. Many experienced skaters must utilize high-performance, five-wheeled skates while the beginners or intermediate skaters must use the three or four-wheeled skates. When these skates are used, they should snugly fit and must be in good condition.

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