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Left lower back pain: What are the causes?

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There are various causes of left lower back pain. The pain can range from a deep dull aching sensation to an abrupt, stabbing pain. The discomfort can be categorized as acute or chronic.

The acute back pain manifests without warning and often persists from several days up to a few weeks. If it is a chronic form, it lasts for 3 or more months. When it comes to left lower back pain, it can be triggered by musculoskeletal issues or organ problems.

Muscle strains

A muscle strain can trigger left lower back pain.

A muscle strain can trigger left lower back pain. The low back or lumbar strains are the prevalent root of low back pain. It is important to note that the low back is quite susceptible to muscle strains due to its involvement in twisting and bending activities.

There are several muscles in the low back that can end up injured. A lumbar strain can cause the affected tissues to become inflamed which triggers pain, muscle spasms and diminished range of motion in the lower back.

Can kidney stones cause left lower back pain?

Kidney stones can cause pain in the left lower back. This is a common disorder of the urinary tract and most kidney stones move out of the body without requiring medical care.

These stones are a hardened mass formed from crystals that separate from urine. Even though most kidney stones do not trigger any symptoms, some can cause intense pain. The discomfort generally starts when a stone in the urinary tract obstructs the urine flow. In most cases, there is a sharp pain in the back on the affected side or in the lower abdomen that radiates to the groin.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome can trigger left lower back pain. This condition affects the lower digestive tract and causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and distention, indigestion and issues with the bowel movements.

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