first aid

What are the common skin rashes among infants?

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It is normal for infants to develop skin rashes as early as a few days as their sensitive skin adjusts to a different environment. Generally, most forms of skin rashes are harmless and settle on their own.

Common forms of skin rashes

Neonatal or baby acne

Pimples often form on the cheeks, forehead and nose of an infant within a month of birth. They tend to worsen before clearing up entirely after a few weeks or months.

Simply wash the face of the infant using water and a mild moisturizer to improve the skin appearance.

Generally, most forms of skin rashes are harmless and settle on their own.

Cradle cap

Cradle cap involves the formation of greasy, yellowish, scaly patches on the scalp of the infant. Occasionally, the ears, face and neck are also affected. This is a common condition that develops within 2-3 months after birth. It settles without requiring treatment in a few weeks or months.

Wash gently the scalp and hair of the child using baby shampoo to prevent further patches from forming.


Eczema is a chronic condition that causes the skin to become reddened, itchy, cracked and dry. This is a prevalent form that mostly affects infants and children but can continue up to adulthood.


As one of the common forms of skin rashes, this is characterized by a reddened, raised, itchy rash on the skin. This arises if a trigger causes the release of histamine into the skin. The rash is usually brief and can be managed using antihistamines.

Nappy rash

A nappy rash develops once the skin around the nappy area becomes irritated. This type of skin rash is often triggered by extended exposure to urine or stool, but might be due to a fungal infection.

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common form of viral ailment that triggers the formation of blistery skin rashes on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet as well as mouth ulcers.

The child might also feel sick and have fever. In most cases, treatment is not required and the immune system can clear the virus. The symptoms generally settle after 7-10 days.

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