What are the spices to avoid if I have peanut allergy?

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Always bear in mind that peanuts are one of the common foods capable of triggering an allergic reaction. When it comes to this type of allergy, the body wrongly identifies the protein in peanuts as a threat, thus starting an erratic immune reaction. Even though it is possible for the immune system to recognize other food substances as allergens, peanut allergy does not often translate into an allergy to spices. Nevertheless, a doctor should be consulted in order to determine the foods to be excluded from the diet.


All food manufacturers are required to list down the common food allergens on their labels, thus any spice containing peanuts should be noted down as well. This is true for foods that contain fish, milk, eggs, tree nuts, shellfish, wheat, tree nuts and soy. Even if they are utilized in small amounts, the manufacturers are required to include peanuts as well as other top allergens on the packaging.


Peanut allergy
Even though peanut allergy does not necessarily result to an allergic reaction to spices, the individual might be highly sensitive or allergic to these ingredients.

The laws on food labelling do not include regulating the potential for cross-contamination of foods or spices. Manufacturers do not need to indicate that they produce a spice in a facility that also processes nuts. On the other hand, many voluntarily warn consumers on the labelling.

There are also warnings such as “might contain nuts” or manufactured on shared equipment with peanuts or nuts”. If the individual is uncertain whether spice is cross-contaminated, it is best to be careful or contact the manufacturer for information regarding the product.


Even though spices are not considered problematic for those who have peanut allergy, other products utilized to season food might contain nuts. Various sauces, glazes and marinades can contain nuts such as hot sauce, chili sauce, gravy and mole. There are even some salad dressings that include nuts, thus it is vital to carefully read the food labels before using the products during the preparation of the meals.

Other potential allergens

Peanut allergy can result to an allergy to other forms of legumes including green peas, green beans, lupins, kidney beams and soya. There are some individuals with peanut allergy who are highly sensitive to other culinary nuts as well such as cashew, almond, walnut and hazelnut.

Spice allergy

Even though peanut allergy does not necessarily result to an allergic reaction to spices, the individual might be highly sensitive or allergic to these ingredients. Take note that allergies to spice are uncommon but can occur in some individuals who are highly sensitive. The typical culprits include coriander, mustard, caraway, fennel, saffron and paprika. This form of allergy develops more often among individuals who already have a pre-existing allergy to mugwort or birch.

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