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What is the right pain medication to use?

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The type of medications that is used to manage pain depends on the type of pain experienced by the individual. Those who experience pain must consider using pain medications, but remember that various medications work effectively for different types of pain. The pain linked with inflammation such as headaches or back pain is effectively relieved with paracetamol and anti-inflammatory pain medications.

In case the pain is caused by damaged or sensitive nerves, it is typically managed with tablets that are also utilized in managing depression and epilepsy. These tablets change the way the central nervous symptom functions.


Paracetamol is commonly used to manage headaches and most cases involving non-nerve pain. In most cases, the safe dosage for adults is 2 tablets taken up to 4 times a day. The side effects are uncommon and this dose can be used regularly for extended periods.

Overdose on paracetamol can lead to serious side effects. In case the pain lasts for more than 3 days, it is best to consult a doctor.


Pain medication
The pain linked with inflammation such as headaches or back pain is effectively relieved with paracetamol and anti-inflammatory pain medications.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen work effectively if there is a clear evidence of an inflammatory cause such as an injury or arthritis.

These should not be used for extended periods unless there is inflammation. When taken for long periods, there is a high risk of stomach upset including bleeding, heart and kidney problems.


Aspirin can cause the same side effects just like with other NSAIDs but it is not as effective as a pain medication. It simply means that it is not typically given for pain and not suitable for children below 16 years old.


It is important to note that codeine does not work effectively on its own. This medication works effectively if combined with paracetamol in a single pill. Always bear in mind that these pain medications can lead to dependency. It means that if the individual stops using them, the individual will feel unwell for a short period.

Soluble pain medications

The effervescent pain medications are high in salt and contain up to 1 gram of salt in one tablet. Excess salt can increase the blood pressure which increases the risk for health issues such as stroke and heart disease. It is best to switch to a non-effervescent pain medication particularly if the individual has been instructed to monitor or reduce the salt intake.

Gabapentin and amitriptyline

Amitriptyline is a drug commonly used for depression while gabapentin is used for epilepsy. These medications are used to manage pain due to nerve sensitivity or nerve damage such as sciatica, shingles or diabetes nerve pain.

Both medications can be prescribed by the doctor. The potential side effects include dizziness and drowsiness.


Morphine and other morphine-like drug are the most potent pain medications. There are some that are available as a patch, but they work in similar ways and must only be used for severe pain.

These medications are only prescribed after a doctor is consulted. The dosage and response is closely monitored. Remember that these medications must only be used as part of a long-term plan to properly manage the pain.

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