Stomach Pain

Am I allergic to garlic?

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There are various types of allergens that can trigger a physical reaction in the body including garlic. The food allergies are considered dangerous since the allergen is consumed. It is estimated that children below 3 years old and some adults have some kind of food allergy.

The common food allergens include shellfish, milk, eggs and peanuts but other foods including garlic can trigger minor to serious reactions depending on how the body processes them.

Skin reactions to garlic

One way in which the body signals that it is allergic to a particular food such as garlic is how the skin reacts after being exposed. The usual skin reactions include hives, swelling, rashes or itchiness. The skin reactions tend to vary depending on how the individual is severely allergic to the garlic and the amount of food he/she was exposed to.

Allergy to garlic
The symptoms of an allergic reaction to garlic also involve the digestive tract as the food travels throughout the body. Take note that these symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, general nausea and diarrhea.


Aside from the skin, swelling or inflammation can also occur on the lips, face, mouth, tongue and throat as a reaction to exposure to garlic. In some circumstances, the swelling can be severe that it affects the ability of the individual to breathe. Understandably, this results to dizziness, wheezing, lightheadedness or loss of consciousness due to the diminished level of oxygen in the body.

Digestive reactions

The symptoms of an allergic reaction to garlic also involve the digestive tract as the food travels throughout the body. Take note that these symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, general nausea and diarrhea. These symptoms usually manifest within a few minutes after eating.


A severe allergic reaction can also occur among those who are allergic to garlic. Many individuals who have food allergy will not end up with this reaction but those who have a family history of the reaction or has experienced one before might be at risk. The indications of anaphylaxis include the following:

  • Evident drop in the blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing due to constricted airways
  • Rapid pulse rate
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness

Anaphylaxis must be treated right away since it can progress to coma or even result to death if the treatment is delayed.

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